Chapter 28

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To Kyoka it all happened in a flash, when she got drunk and angry she tended to black out and do things she would not remember doing the next second. And Mateo was really getting on her nerves at that point. He and his friends would just not leave Kyoka and Momo alone, while they were doing field work, in the office at the agency, and now seeing him here, he kept sticking like a parasite refusing to stay away from her and leave like a decent person. Until now.

She must have held Denki's hand or some other small gesture of affection and went blank while doing it, because Mateo started to walk away saying something about how misleading girls were, and how they were so weak they had to hide behind their boyfriends.

Kyoka countered by jeering at him while he left, plus calling him all types of things like "Fucker", "weak bitch", "a human with the intelect of a penis", amongst other things, that are equally creative and rude.

Only after Mateo disappeared in the crowd of dancers, that did not seem to realize that a major confrontation just happened in front of them because they never had stopped dancing, did Kyoka turn back to Denki.

While catching her breath from yelling so much, she saw Denki's shocked look at his fingers which had rubbed off residue of red lipstick from slightly swollen lips. Wait, she was wearing that shade of red lipstick right now. She suddenly sobered up real quick as she connected the dots.

They kissed, deeply and very forcefully based on how Denki's lips were looking right now and how her lips began to tingle like someone just punched her in the mouth but did not ddo it hard enough to cause much damage, and she was the one who initiated the kiss. She begged her brain to get rid of this foggy patch of memory of what just happened, to find another explanation, something else that she could claim happened that would not ruin what she and Denki have, like she threw her open tube of lipstick at Mateo and Denki got stuck in the cross-fire. Besides being physically improbable, it would be no use Denki would remember and he would just be hurt if she tried to claim something else happened. Kyoka saw that Denki didn't look happy that they kissed, she was not exactly happy either but that would be because her feelings that she was planning to keep quiet about till the grave were now out in the open.

Denki just looked confused, probably about why one of his closest friends that was "one of the guys" suddenly kissed him. He was probably disgusted at her for pushing her feelings on him, again, after he rejected her two weeks ago. He probably wanted to wipe his mouth off but did not want to be rude, he was too kind in that way.

His face told her everything, he did not reciprocate her feelings. And now they will probably never be friends again, how can they hang out without addressing this blunder.

She felt tears crawl up behind her eyes. She had to get out of there.

"I...I gotta go..." she croaked and turned tail and ran. She heard Denki call after her but she continued running, pushing and shoving dancers who snapped at her, she didn't care. All she wanted was to get out and away from the location of what definitely is going to be remembered as one of the biggest mistakes of her life.

She finally found the end of the dance floor and ran to the first door she saw.

The music became a faint sound and was replaced by the soft buzzing of the fluorescent lights of the bathroom. Luckily, all the stalls were empty at least from what Kyoka could tell before running into a random one and locking it. With her eyes smarting from the flash of brightness, the tears she was struggling to keep back so she could see where she was running before suddenly became an avalanche. She sobbed into her sleeves while leaning over the toilet seat.

She will never drink again, she must have just lost her closest friend after Momo because of fu#king alcohol. And she just made it ten times worse by running away not even thinking to apologize. How could she be such a fool?

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