11:11 make a wish

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6 year old Beomgyu stared up at sky, frowning to himself as he wasn't happy that his toy bear got ripped to shreds. Auntie's dog ate him.

He felt like crying, but mommy told him to stay strong. Crying was weak. So he can't cry.

Beomgyu's auntie sat beside him on the car's front bumper. "Beomgyu-ah, are you feeling better?" His auntie asks him.

Beomgyu shook his head. "Gyu bear's gone.." he said inaudibly, looking down. Tears threatened to spill, but Beomgyu didn't let them.

His auntie thinks for a while before smiling. She tapped on his shoulder and pointed up at the sky.

"You see that big moon up there?" She said.

Beomgyu nods. "Mhm!"

"Well.." she took out her phone and nods to herself. "It's 11:09. At 11:11, you can make a wish while looking up at the big round moon." She stated.

"Really..?" Beomgyu looked at her with a gleaming expression. She nods. Beomgyu's face brightens. "I wanna try!"

"Ok, let's wish together, shall we?" At exactly 11:11, the two look up at the moon and make a wish.

11:12, they could open their eyes again. "Beomgyu, never say your wish out loud, ok? It won't come true if you do." She stated.

"Ooh, ok!" Beomgyu smiles.

"Taehyun! Come on, look! The moon is so round and bright today!" 16 year old Beomgyu exclaimed, jumping up and down happily at the sight.

"Hyung, the moon is always round." Taehyun states. He watched his happy Hyung anyways.

They were at a rock cave together, water below them. They sat down on the edge of the cave with their legs dangling.

Taehyun took his bag and just gave Beomgyu a teddy bear. "Your gift, for this fine cool day~"

"Oh, hehe! Why thank you, Hyun." He grins, hugging the bear tightly.

They sat in silence for a while, just enjoying the nighttime breeze and the moon's bright light.

Beomgyu grabbed his phone and checked the time. "It's 11:11! Make a wish!" Beomgyu exclaimed. He started to make his wish.

Taehyun didn't understand, but he followed what Beomgyu was doing.

"So.. what did you wish for?" Taehyun asked Beomgyu once they opened their eyes.

"I can't tell you.. the wish won't come true!" Beomgyu huffed.

"Have you wished for something before?" Taehyun asked, interested in this sudden topic.

Beomgyu vigorously nods. "Multiple times! And they all came true!" He giggles.

"Oh really? I mean, if you tell me your wish right now, I can probably make it happen straight away!" Taehyun says, ready for challenge.

"Ah- I don't think thi- you can make this happen?" Beomgyu gulped, his face getting red.

"Oh yeah? Try me."

"I wished.. uhh.." he fiddled with his fingers.

"Yeeeees?" Taehyun scoots up closer to his face.

Beomgyu nervously grabs onto Taehyun's arm. "I wished that.. we could- become more than friends?" He said, his voice tone full of hope.

This was his first time saying a wish out loud.

Taehyun blinked once. He blinked another time. Then he just couldn't stop blinking fast.

"T-Tae??" Beomgyu said, getting worried. Especially the fact that he rarely blinks.

Taehyun's cheeks suddenly grew into a big smile. He quickly engulfed Beomgyu into a hug. "Yes! Let's be more than friends!"

Beomgyu's worry went away the second he felt Taehyun's hug. He melts into the hug with a content sigh. "Looks like my wish already came true.." he smiles. A tear escaped his cheek.

Taehyun pulled away and wiped that tear away. "I like you Beomgyu. Will you be my boyfriend?" Taehyun asked, ready for the cringe.

Beomgyu laughs. "Yes, I'll be your boyfriend." And the two hug each other once again.

6 year old Beomgyu's wish was to have someone who would always be there for him, and buy him toys.

The end :>

Taegyu oneshot | 11:11 make a wishWhere stories live. Discover now