Breaking the atmosphere

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As the clouds are surpassed in the descent, a view unheard of to man until now could now be witnessed, unfolding before the camera was a world bustling with tall lengthy trees with many flowers that soared for the sunlight that had been hidden by the clouds. Mostly comprised of iron shards and copper like materials, the clouds were semi-solids, acting as lightning rods for the astral lightening storms just outside the atmosphere, they pulled in electromagnetic radiation and shards of magnetic substances. The low gravity allowed life to flourish in strange ways, most fruits were large and abundant, flowers grew in towering proportions, and the rare water sources spiraled into great towering peaks above the surface. As the drone would reach it's required height and air pressure needs, the camera's two eyelid like sensors had parted and allowed a greater quality picture to be seen before itself. The drone was roughly the size of an earth basketball, but due to the low gravity on this planet it could levitate right above the surface, the camera could spin all directions on an axis allowing a 360 degree view. Down the crevices and rocky cliffs of the desert jungle we find our first life form, the Wealers, the wealers were tiny ferret like creatures, long and thin with soft fur and six tiny legs, they scurried quickly across the dusty ground, the dust created a somewhat permanent cloud of sand and dust above the ground. The wealers get their name in a rather unexpected way, the wealers are able to bite onto their tails and using the six legs as a push mechanism they roll up to 10 MPH. The wealers diet consisted of dead or decaying meat, dying plants, and fungus like growths on the bottoms of rocks. Yet it's energetic movements and spastic behavior required constant energy, due to this they are very similar to earth's hummingbirds, eating to restore energy which is almost instantly used up. Maybe evolution has another path for this energy ridden fauna species. The wealers remain at the lower spectrum of the food chain as we move to the next alien life form that feeds on the tired and wore down of the wealers, The Rebiri, the Rebiri is an all female species that reproduce asexually, laying eggs that could be fertilized by the female herself, due to this the population is in a constant rate of growth, yet the two week lifespan of this slithering creature provide a natural occurring limiting factor, the niche filled by this creature is like that of an earth snake, a small yet powerful predator that feeds on rodent and other life. The Rebiri tend to grow about 12-30 feet in length, also resembling an earth ferret this creature never grows in width, making its body very fragile but due to the low gravity, it's body can exist and thrive. Equipped with six forward curved fangs they attack using a kissing motion, sprinting on their eight rodent like legs they tuck their legs in and spring onto their target, touching snout first and injecting a deadly neurotoxin that almost instantly destroys muscle tissue and causes paralysis and inevitably, death. The Rebiri tend to use rocks or other blunt materials to bash their prey into a jam like substance before drinking the liquids through the back pair of forward curved fangs. The eyes of the Rebiri have a horizontal line pupil pattern, segmented into three separate lines they can see heat signals in both the front line and back line, allowing a 360 degree vision range, the iris of the creature are usually a pale pink due to the presence of constant pink pollen like substance in the air, it is thankfully not harmful to electrical equipment. Moving on to one of the last creatures you can find in this biome is the Polymorphic Dosple, the dosple comes in two distinct forms, the Homomorphic and the Polymorphic, the homomorphic variant as the name suggests, look almost identical. They are small scorpion like fauna usually growing only 3 inches long and 7 inches wide, though they may be small but they pack a venom able to weaken almost anything. The Endotoxin they inject into attackers attacks the cellular wall of the infected, this weakens and destroys cells, causing dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and rarely system failure, usually this would not be the case for humans. The dosple use a small torpedo like injector located behind the legs, the homomorphic dosple use the shells of deceased and still living to house themselves and their incredibly soft body structure, the shells are incredibly thick and flattened, yet the creatures always share the same patterns, coloration, and behavior in this variant. The polymorphic dosple has the same venom and diet consisting of small plant like growths and weak foes, this little omnivorous creature can certainly bring down a human. The shells and behavior of the polymorphic dosple are usually abstract and very unorthodox, seemingly using a technique seen on earth and known as "disruptive camouflage" this tactic is very effective for this creature, they can even change the shape of their shells using small rocks and other materials to customize the armor. Lastly, in this biome you can find the Spike-eyed Koril. The spike-eyed Koril is a carnivorous bipedal creature with spiked eyes, the pupil of the eye has erected itself from the rest of the eye and is now a pointed and has formed a finger nail like covering, this pupil has morphed the vision of this creature to be the best sight in the universe, seeing multiple color spectrums at once, it can precisely locate any and all movement, but it can only see things that move. In order for this creature to thrive it has learned to move its head in a circular pattern in order to distinguish prey from its habitat. the Koril are tall lanky creatures with long multi-jointed necks that allow maximum vision, the fur on this creature is long and smooth but underneath it hides spines that pack a deadly punch when touched, instantly propelling itself off the body so fast it generates heat, it skewers anything that sets it off, these quills regenerate over time like fingernails. The Koril are usually 10-20 feet tall, it's body plan would fall apart on earth, especially due to the lack of a fourth leg, it stands on three legs, one directly attacked to the base of the collar bone. The creatures mate in herds called Waltzes, this is one dance you do not want to be apart of though. The drone had almost gotten destroyed in the group, frenzied females compete for male attention with fabulous displays of colors. The Koril species usually have peacock color eyes and colors resembling royal blues and greens, with a exoskeleton along the length of their legs shimmering the same colors. Moving on from this desert jungle, the drone flies elsewhere..

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