Deep shallows

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The water on this planet is very thin, almost like the water itself was floating around you, not wanting to touch skin or metal. Despite the water being very thin life still thrived here, looking across the endless mounds of dead plants and animals below the surface, scavengers prowl, fighting over what species gets to eat first. Taking a look at the first detritivore, we have the Sprixen, the sprixen is a large three tailed fox-fish hybrid-esc creature with two front paws with scales layered on top of fur, the eyes of the sprixen dart around wildly, mischievously plotting another meal or kill, these creatures swim in packs of five or more known as, zen, these zen hunt very closely together, targeting the same opponent each time, they are weak alone but strong together, with so many niches to fill in this watery adventure we must explore the two mega-fauna that live down below, in the deepest and darkest spots of the sea. Terrorizing the sprixen are the lonesome Bisice, these killers possess four sharp talons on of their four claws yet they do not use the claws for predation, in fact they are filter feeders with a permanent triangle shaped maw with suction filtering in and out water to eat dead meat particles and bacteria eating the dead creatures below. We've observed a sort of sadistic behavior from these creatures, killing for pleasure and mating display. The Bisice grow in a serpent like body plan with a 20 feet long tail and dorsal fin facing backwards, the tail has eye patterns to display a false head for attackers, so the bisice has time to snap back and attack without mercy. The bisice's skeletal structure has hollowed bones and empty spaces for a oxygen to build up, like a naturally occurring float. Going deeper we spy colorful life, small arrow shaped serpentine fish with bioluminescent eyes and splotches, fish that seem to fly through the gel like water, so many creatures of all colors and light. Growths known as Celibraeka form large spikes with giant crystalline orbs growing within the cage like spines, the Celibraeka grow in hive minds of organisms called Celi, celi form towering spikes and cages to die inside of and form the crystalline orbs. Almost like earth's coral they grow in sheets over vast expanses. The dead remains are slightly radioactive which provides the glow, most creatures below the surface cannot eat the crystalline substance but the Killibee are unlike most life forms, small flat creatures with large eyes much like a snail's. Killibee flutter through the water using a multi-jointed paddle like appendage, twirling it and jerking the paddle forward to propel itself backwards, it's eyes are like a globe providing vision from above and all around but below its body is not visible. Killibee tend to crawl and swim into the clusters of Celibrae trees and eat and hollow out the crystals, living within and forming a symbiosis with the much much smaller life forms, both benefit in this relationship called mutualism. But something even deeper we arrive to the deepest point of the sea, copper dust and iron pollute these waters, accumulating in giant clusters a menacing creature uses as a nesting spot. The Megalinynaetrix thrives on the death that sink below and eventually succumb to the immense pressure of the depths. Megalinynae are 40 - 50 meters long with their serpentine bodies splitting into a trio of trailing appendages that act as whips and gripping mandibles. the tentacles are usually sharpened with small patches of the iron and copper growing attached to the skin of the Megalinynae. It's head has three large eyes that are only used as a heat sensor to track dead bodies that sink below. Megalinynea often breed in a group called "Brools" due to this group's extreme population and aggression, the water around them becomes increasingly choppy and murky. Megalinynea often clash with the large Flathead Marlynix, this leviathan about forty meters long and fifty meters wide, is one of the largest things under the surface. the Marlynix has a flat head as it's name suggests, it uses this head to ram into the balls of iron and other materials in order to feed on the debris that falls below, this adds to its hardened back and forehead, using its four forward facing eyes it can see even the slightest of movement that falls below. This Lithovore feeds on dirt and other rocks, they are incredibly hostile during mating season. We now conclude our dive and arise once again! On to a more unexplored part of this planet, the skies!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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