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from the Su-jin language
I'm continuing from school as usual, suddenly there was someone behind me, my movements accelerated, and I passed out in the same way.
The shape of a man before me when I open the arms where he finds himself softly
Su jin-who are you!
Choi mujin- choi mujin your name is also su jin
Su jin - how do you know me
Choi mujin- I've known you for 3 years
from choi mujin
Yes, I've known him for 3 years, it might be strange, but I'm crazy in love with him. My first friends were mine. Those who know everything about him, what he eats, the brand of chocolate he eats, even the size of his underwear, I followed him in education and training, I was always one step behind him
Now it's with me
water jin
where was i planning
You- why am I here!! say
Choi mujin- no reason
you- how not
Suddenly the door opened and it was Jung Tae-ju who came in.
Jung Tae ju - sir we killed the man
from choi mujin
Fuck girl he heard Tae ju got out when he knew
Sujin suddenly started shouting
Su jin- you are the killer killer killer
Oh she was having a panic attack
Choi mujin- calm down look at me calm down
He was shouting even more, his clothes on his neck, now his body slowly calmed down

4 hours later
Su jin-
When I opened my eyes I was still in that room
I quickly went between the doors of the room but it was locked
The door suddenly opened
I was there again
Choi mujin- calm down I'll explain everything to you
You- I just don't want to go home
grabbed my arm
You- let me go!!
Choi mujin - listen to me
And he lay down, he took my arms and looked at me
Choi mujin-just listen I'm a murderer I'm a mafia
Choi mujin-yeah
You- how do you know me?
Choi mujin-because I've been following you for 3 years
You-you pervert
Choi mujin-no because I'm in love with you
You- please someone tell me this is a joke
Choi mujin-believe it or not I'm in love with you
You-ok I want to go home
Choi mujin- where your house is located
This man was making fun of me
I saw a gun on his waist and.....

Finish Here we are cutting, let's say active for how many days Happy New Year January is the most dangerous and busy month for me I will write as much as I can the detective 31 people watched thank you take care of yourself you were kissed 😘

My name Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin