Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Melissa White. The only reason I am writing this stupid things is cause my mother says it will make me feel less angry at the world!! She should take her own advice.

Anyway, today is a new year of 2015 and I am prepared to do great things with my life from now on! So here are my resolutions:
- find some decent spot cream
- get along with my fellow siblings
- not to 'answer back', as my mum calls it (deep down she knows that I am simply expressing my opinion)
- and lastly find a boyfriend

I am 13 years of age, I have an annoying but cute brother called Michael and I have an identical twin called Frankie. My mum (Alexandria) and my dad (James) have been split up, and have been for almost 10 years now, I have asked them multiple times why they have split up, but the answer is always either ask your dad or ask your mum, sometimes it's even, 'we stopped loving each other a long time ago', that's the oldest trick in the book that divorced parents use to make their children believe that life is all happy, and it's a place where you use the word gay instead of happy!! In what universe, does that exist exactly?? I do have a stepdad called Dan though, I love him lots even though we have lots of arguments because of my growing hormones!

Today I am getting ready to go to school, bummer ...... The only good thing about going back to the death Hole is seeing my best friends Chloe and Kaitlyn. I love them to bits!! I have been best friends with Chloe for eight years and Kaitlyn for two. But of course I have to have an enemy!! Her name is grace..... She is unfortunately my sisters best friend. Frankie wishes we would get along, but I just hate her guts! (Yeah, I went there, my parents say that hate is a strong word, but I'm sure they would allow me to use it in these extreme circumstances!)
Anyway, me and my family have had a tough year, from multiple deaths to illnesses and mainly my sister being in a wheelchair, but I know I have learnt from the experience and I also know I am ready to start being a proper teenager!

I am getting my braces fitted on the 13th and I'm gonna look like a total freaky geekster! But at least in the end I will have perfect teeth! I wish this could be the part where I start talking about a really cute boy in my class, but nope!! I go to an all girls school where you wouldn't be able to find a boy for miles, the closest I get to one is old man Harvey who is still looking for the sock he lost in 1973 ! Better go, just looked in the mirror, have a major spot to squeeze!!

Hi again!! As you know yesterday was my first entry to this diary. Also it was my first day back at school........ You can imagine how it went (boring) although me and my besties had the best reunion. We had only seen each other three days before, we had had a massive girly sleepover and we did this awesome test about who has the best hair, biggest nose ect. Then we had a spontaneous conversation about male fish attracting female fish (if anyone had heard our conversation we would have been put in a mental hospital)

Anyway, we all ran and jumped and ended up in a big huddle on the floor rolling in mud, but it was so worth the laughs! As the school day slowly came to an end, she who must not be named (grace my ENEMY!) was really weird, she was acting all goody goody and nice, but I knew something was coming........

At lunch me and my besties hung out in our not so secret hideout (everyone knows about it, but we like to call it that), and played with the cat named Debby. She's a lovely cat and Kaitlyn was obsessed with her. Before we know it she is going to be a catnapper !

On the last period of school, She who must not be named, had gotten over her niceness faze and was now being bitchy to my surprise (NOT). She wouldn't let me go near my sister, and started giving me real bad dirty glares! Childish right!!! At the end of the day she told me to keep away from Frankie! WHAT!!! I am not keeping away from my own sister, I told her to back off though.

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