Chapter 3

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Walked to school today, totally expecting to see chanks! I now realise chanks has been my fuel for the day. He wasn't there!! I don't know how I'm going to live!

21-1-15 ------- hi guys, I have updated a lot but on some people's phone it hasn't downloaded, so tomorrow I will be posting again, sorry for any inconvenience caused! (So you will see double of it) please leave in the comments whether you got the update or not, much love 💖💖

(Gulp) this day has by horrible. I don't know how I will be able to put it into words. I can't breathe. It's too much to handle. Let me start from the beginning:

I was walking home from school, ready to go to the dentist. That's when it happened. I was humming along to good old Taylor Swift and suddenly I felt a tight grasp grab my shoulder. I tried to scream but was muffled by a hanker chief being wedged into my mouth. I could feel my sweat dripping down my forehead as I struggled to escape. What was happening? I didn't know what I could do, and I had to do was struggle from the tight grasp. I looked up, determined to see who this man was, and discovered a dark figure, extremely tall and staring straight at me. He looked like someone I knew, someone I knew well, but I didn't have time to think it through, I need to get out.

I woke up startled, I was trapped into a chair, and in a black room that looked like it was endless. A dark figure walked towards me, and removed the hanker chief from my mouth.

"Why are you doing this to me??" I yell, tears streaming down my face. "why?" The man yelled angrily. "because you are sabotaging my boys concentration, I will not have it, he is already a spoilt brat that lives in his own self pity with his head up his bum!" He screamed, vanes popping out of his forehead.

"I have no idea what you are talking about?!?" I cried
Oh, I know you do!, and I'm gonna make you pay ", and teach my boy a lesson or two on what happens when he slacks"

He reached over to his trousers and released a belt.
I was shivering and cry, I felt weak, I couldn't do anything, I .........( I closed my eyes ready for the pain I was about to endure)

My thoughts were cut off my a large thump close by. I opened my eyes to reveal him, my dream boy, holding a wrench. He had knocked the man out!
I screamed and he suddenly noticed me. He ran over to me and cut the rope that was trapping my hands.

"Thank you, thank you!, who was that?!?" I asked scared and running
"That, that was my father"----/--//--/--/-----------------------------------------

We found a spot, a secret spot behind the bins at the park. It was becoming dark now and I could see the stars gazing down at me from the sky.
"I guess you wanna know what went on back there...." He whispered

" I do, but first I wanna know who you are, and information on you, to me you are just chanks!"
"Chanks?? Ohhh yeah I remember that, that was amazingly cute!" He chuckled to himself
"You remember?? " I smiled gazing in to his eyes
"How could I forget??"

He went on to tell me everything about himself;
- his name was Leo waters
- he was slightly older than me by 5 months (his birthday was on the 2nd of January)
- he goes to Holio school for boys
- he is a single Pringle (eeeeeekkkk!!)
- his interests include art, and reading
He is my perfect man I am certain of it! After a long talk about these things I finally remembered the main thing I NEEDED to know!
"So who was that man?" I asked suddenly nervous
"Well, long story short, he, he " Leo suddenly went all fidgety and a panicked expression overcame his face
"Go on, it's ok ..." I whispered
"well that man was my father, I have kinda had a crush on you because you seem so helpless, and innocent, I wanted you to be mine. I started writing this diary and I mentioned you.
What I haven't mentioned is that my father is a heavy drinker, my mother cleared off when I was young, and she left me with a drunk mess, with a big belt................ Every time something goes wrong he takes it out on me, with his belt.
One day he found my diary and read all of it. He found me and told me I need to learn a lesson for flirting with girls I don't even know, especially since they all clear of some day....................
I exploded. You know when you keep something bottled up for so long, well that has been happening to me, and I couldn't stop myself from frothing over. I told him exactly what I thought of him and ran out of the house. The minute I left I was full of regret, I knew he could easily track you down..........
Sooooo.... How do u like it ?
Please leave comments behind it really helps!
I just want to say that I am sorry for not updating in a while but I have had some thinking to do, thanks to my hero (_justanotherwriter_) I am adding some action into my book! Please read her books, I strongly recommend it, as she inspired me to write this!
Love and good wishes 💖💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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