Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 20– Firebolt.


He definitely just said Firebolt, didn't he? So things can not be working out this perfectly for me, can they? Or is this just some cruel trick of the fates, bringing me someone who coincidentally thought up the same name and is actually a hack. But this is precisely what I was looking for, my first big money-making industry, and from there, I can start to expand, but first, I need a base good money-making business.

With a stable surefire fire industry under my foot, I can start taking risks on things that weren't mentioned in the story. I might have a lot of money to waste, but that is no reason to squander it willy-nilly, so this is an excellent opportunity for me. But just because the name rings a bell doesn't mean it is exactly what I am looking for. So I have to make sure.

"I will be honest with you, Randolph. Can I call you that?" He is caught off guard by my sudden turn when I was the one that asked him for that information, and when he goes to answer, I just carry on in true Gilderoy fashion. Right now, the man is nervous, semi-depressed and very close to despair. I am his last hope. So I will beat him down a bit more and make him more susceptible to the help I will offer him, which he will be very grateful for.

"To be frank, Randolph, I am not going to give you a loan today. Unless Merlin himself were to come back to life and tell me to, or some other spectacular feat occurred. Your business is just not tenable, you are a single man, and you do not show much promise, especially after knowing you have had thirty years of work put in and no results to show for it. No other place is going to give you a loan either, and the ones that might are going to bleed you for all your worth with unfair contracts." I hit him with hard facts, the truth that he needed to hear and the truth I needed him to hear.

None of the loan people would have really even listened to this guy, even if he had a brilliant idea because that was different from what those people were looking for. Just like the guys that owned this place before me and nearly all other magical loaners, they were looking for suckers to fool and scam. So the only people that had even a chance of loaning you money or investing in your business would be the purebloods. Still, they are a no-go unless you are a pureblood yourself or different in a political standing or have a bad image, and if you need a loan, then you are probably not. So this man before me, though pureblooded, will not be saved by the upper echelon. His father made sure of that by him squandering his fortune and his obsession.

"Then... what am I supposed to do? I have nothing left to sell except my father's research, and I will never do that. I need the money to fulfil my and my father's dream, the fastest broom. I need to sell brooms to gather more funds to research and develop more brooms to sell and then keep researching. No. If you don't loan to me, then I will find someone else that will, even if they might try to fool me. I have to take that chance." My words seem to have backfired a little since he stands all of a sudden and makes to leave. Instead of falling helpless, he surprisingly gets some fire in him and the courage to keep trying.

"Sit back down, please, Randolph. I wasn't finished. It is rude to interrupt. Now, while I may not be able to offer you a loan, I am prepared to offer you an alternative option." I quickly raise my phone, scolding him and trying to reel him in. I am constantly monitoring his mind, and that little spark of courage was out of the blue, suddenly rising from nowhere. At my words, however, that spark quickly dims, and he listens to me intently as he sits back in his seat, surprising me.

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