je vous aime (i love you)

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You have just arrived in the uk and you are so, Denise has been texting you the whole time after you got of the plane.

You said you would call a taxi to the nearest hotel next to there house, but Denise said no, typical Denise she never wants me to spend money when it's something to do with her or the family.


Keira you're not paying for a taxi I'm coming to pick you up okay, Keira is very stubborn she never wants me to pick her up and says she rather spend her money because it will cost me my own but I don't care I will do anything for Keira so I said I am not taking a no and I'm going to pick her up.


I finally gave into Denise so she is coming to pick me up, she said she would be approximately ten minutes but she isn't sure.

After 13 minutes Denise got there and apologised for the wait and i said no need to be sorry,

She said it was very risky because Jude wasn't asleep yet so she had to wake up Jobe to play fifa with him, jobe wasn't happy but he got very excited when she told him it was because I was here.

We jumped in the car and she took me to a hotel only six minutes away, we said our goodbyes and I gave her a big hug and she gave one back, she drove off and I payed for my room for the night, it was lovely, peaceful and warming


You get changed into your pjs :

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You get changed into your pjs :

you end up falling asleep around 3:27am and you wake up at 7:30am, you get a text from Denise saying the match starts at 12:30 and finishes 2:00pm

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you end up falling asleep around 3:27am and you wake up at 7:30am, you get a text from Denise saying the match starts at 12:30 and finishes 2:00pm.

I replied back with okay no problem, I'll get a taxi over and let you know when I am at the stadium and Denise again said no and she will give us a ride because she's taking jobe and mark so she mays well, I asked her how it would work because Jude normally leaves the same time as them and gets in the car but to my surprise Jude was leaving half an hour early to train just a little for the match so there would be a spare seat in the car!, Denise said she would pick me up at 11:45am so to be ready then I had loads of time so I had a shower for 15 minutes and got out, I didn't know what to wear today but I remembered I have a England shirt from a few years ago that I got off Jude.

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