The Major Surgeries: Part 2

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⚠️ mention of private parts ⚠️

The Anaesthesiologist's POV

"She's asleep." I exclaimed as I kept the anaesthesia mask on her face.

Once she was fully unconscious, I took the anaesthesia mask off her face.

"She's asleep now." I exclaimed.

"Okay let's start with inserting an IV in her hand." One of the Doctors exclaimed as the nurses began to insert an IV through Izzy's hand and covered it with a clear plaster.

"Tape her eyes closed." The Doctor exclaimed as we taped her eyes shut with clear tapes.

We inserted the tube through her mouth and down her throat. We connected her to machines and we placed tape around her mouth to keep the tube in. She had the tube to help her to breathe.

We placed operating sheets over her apart from her knees. The Surgeon was going to work on her left knee first for the first operation.

"Scalpel." He asked.

"Scalpel." One of the Nurses exclaimed.

He made an incision into her knee and the surgery began.

Jake's POV

We were waiting in the waiting room. Izzy was currently in surgery to get her knees fixed. I was really worried, she's my girlfriend, I need to protect her.

"Jake, are you alright?" Cubby asked me.

"No, I'm not okay. I'm really worried about Izzy." I exclaimed.

"I'm worried about her too." Cubby exclaimed.

"I know this is like her ninth surgery but I always get worried about her, when she gets herself into these situations even though, it's never her fault." I exclaimed as I kept thinking about Izzy.

"Will her knees ever be the same?" Cubby asked me.

"They will but I have a feeling she will have a long recovery." I exclaimed.

"Will she have to learn how to walk again?" Cubby asked me.

"Yep she will have to learn how to walk again. She will be able to walk again." I exclaimed.

Three Hours Later:

We were still waiting for Izzy to come out of surgery, three hours has passed since she got taken into surgery.

"How many hours left until Izzy comes out of surgery?" Cubby asked me.

"Nine hours." I exclaimed.

I wish Izzy was with me in my arms or lying in her hospital bed, just anywhere, where I can see her in front of my eyes.

"I miss her." Cubby exclaimed.

"I miss her too. She's my girlfriend, I care so much about her." I exclaimed.

"You always care so much about Izzy." Cubby exclaimed.

"Yeah before we became a couple but when she became my girlfriend, I started to get more protective." I exclaimed as I was rubbing my hands.

"Is this like her ninth surgery?" Cubby asked me.

"I think so." I exclaimed.

Four hours later:

Izzy has been in surgery for seven hours and I really miss her. I've been scrolling through my camera roll of us being together, it was just making me miss her even more. It's hard to not have her with me.

"Jake, you okay?" Cubby asked me as I shook my head.

"I just miss her." I exclaimed as I kept scrolling through my camera roll, photos of Izzy.

Izzy's Knee Injury Where stories live. Discover now