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First we will see what happened to the Yagi family after selling Izuku
also in this au Nana Shimura never died the fight with all for one happened but she was strong enough to injure him like all might did with out the same injury Toshinori has

The Todoroki and Bakugo family's along with Tsukauchi Gran Torino Recovery girl and Nana Shimura Nezu Shota Aizawa and Hound dog none of which knew about Izuku being sold since they were all busy and where finally available for Izumi and Izukus 7th birthday they only sent cards with money for them.

Toshinori: Welcome everyone for Izumi and Akari's birthday

Gran Torino: hey Toshinori I see Izumi and Akari but where is Izuku

Toshinori: In his room sleep don't worry about him

Torino: what are you hiding Toshinori

Hound dog: Wait I smell something very old and Metalic coming from upstairs

Inko: What no way there is nothing there

Hound dog: We are checking upstairs you have no say on this matter

Hound dog Tsukauchi and the rest head upstairs towards the scent which is inside Izukus room Hound dog opens the door and sees bloodied bandages and clothes that are ripped a broken bed a small desk that has fallen on one side

Hound dog: What the absolute hell Toshinori what is this

The other adults look in the room and are disgusted and shocked

Aizawa: Toshinori where is Izuku

Toshinori: Fine I guess no more lying I sold that brat he had no use as a quirkless person he was simply worthless

All the adults are shocked by his words before Aizawa erases his quirk and proceeds to beat him brutally enraged

Nana: Stop Aizawa get up Toshonori

Aizawa stops as Toshinori stands

Toshinori: ah master you believe the same thing I d-

[ Smack]

Nana smacked Toshinori hard to the ground and repeatedly this process slapping or punching him each time until she is satisfied

Nana:Those words are like what your father said to you your father said to you I don't even know who the hell you are anymore you disgust me

With her words it made Toshinori realize of what he was doing the same thing his father did to him

Izumi: I can't lie about it anymore me Katsuki Shoto and Akari builled and beat him every day for wanting to be a hero to protect him we wanted to make him afraid of quirks so he would give up but we got so caught up in the fun of using our quirks we forgot the real goal

Katsuki: Izumi why would you tell them

Aizawa: Do you think that someone who is quirkless can't be a hero I fight quirkless since my quirk isnt good for fighting so are you saying I can't be a hero

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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