t h i r t y - f o u r

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Kira started spewing out Russian at me, punching my shoulder. She asked many different questions. Where had I been? How was I? Did I have any artificially replaced body parts? I wanted to answer all but she spoke so fast, I had to stop her.

"God Kira. Slow down, da?"

My sister smiled. "Da. I'm just so happy to see you again."

"As am I. I hope everything's been ok. How's school?"

"Good. I think I might consider going more into music like mom had," she revealed. My mother had done opera at some point. My sister was fascinated by her covers. Kira was 3 years old when she passed and then, I was her age, Slavik pulling it at 17. It just reminded me how young she was.

"Kira, I came to share something with you. Maybe we can go to the drawing room," I suggested and she nodded but her gaze slipped past me.

"Kto etot?" My sister asked, wondering who Peach was. I stepped back a little and to the side, waving Peach over.

"This is a friend of mine," I stated simply.

"Friend?" my sister asked incredulously.

"Yes. Workmate too if things go well. She will be my consigliere," I informed my sister. She turned and looked at Peach with a new light. Peach stayed still and emotionless under her gaze.

"It's nice to meet you Kira," Peach greeted, trying to put more mirth in her tone."Viktor speaks fondly of you."

My little sister snorted. "My brother sharing more than his name with you is already crossing a line though I'm sure the two of you have... how do I say it... gotten past friendly acquaintanceship."

"First of all, that would be none of your business," I stated coldly, trying not glare at my sister. "Second, she is my employee not a fuck toy."

Kira rolled her eyes and huffed. "Whatever. Come, there was something you wanted to tell me, da?"

I let my sister drag me to the drawing room and heard Peach trail behind hesitantly, her eyes roaming around the house. The inside was all shiny marble with beige coloured walls. There were a few paintings here and there, most some of my sister's work. She took the artistic side of the family whilst my brother and I adopted the more psychotic side.

The drawing room was quite big with three large light brown couches facing each other in the centre, short glass tables beneath them. There was a bookshelf on the far wall and a long study desk by the open window. The view below showed the gardens that looked quite beautiful, especially in the fall.

I sat down and Kira sat next to me. Peach entered the room and immediately went for the shelf of books, browsing with her back to my sister and I, offering us as much privacy as she could whilst staying where I could see her.

"So, brother. What is it you want to tell me?" she asked eagerly and when I looked into her blue eyes, I just couldn't find it in me to talk about Markov first.

"I want to know what you've been up to before I spill my secrets," I teased and playfully brushed my fingers across her cheek. "How is school? Any trouble?"

"Nothing I can't handle," she said confidently. "I like the Academy. Not only does it have people who fall more in line with what we do but, I've made friends with the Prime Minister's niece. Even though she's like thrice removed, I hear that she's really close with the guy."

"That's good," I smiled. "But... I'm more interested how school's treating you psychologically."

"Oh..." something in my sister seemed to crack. "I don't... what do you mean?"

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