/// LilyAnnes POV ///
I have been having a horrible day, like other days, the other girls at the orphanage decided to pick on me.
All I can hear is 'you'll never get adopted!' or 'you're an ugly whore that will never be loved!' from the box that they trapped me in. "Let me out of here!" I scream. "No! You don't belong to have a normal life!" one of them screams. About. 2 hours later, I was leery out by the only person that likes me. Jake. He I'd just like me. I have black hair, so does he, I like crown the empire. So does he! "Ladies!" The one girl yelled. "Somebody is adopting! Let's go!" She yelled as we all ran downstairs. We form into a line as the people walked in. I gasped for joy at what I saw. It was crown the empire! Andy and Dave walked down the line looking at everyone. When they walked away from someone, they would make a grossed out face. When they got to me, they could tell I was a fan. I had a CTE shirt on and my CTE vans on. Dave stopped at me and looked. "I like her..." he whispered in Andy's ear. "Me too..." He whispered back. Then I whispered. "Cool, I like me too..." Then Dave and Andy smiled. God, I love Andy's smile! Then they looked at my arms and everything and saw that I had bruises. Dave looked around and saw some people shocked. But he could tell who did this, because the exact girls were trying to hold in their laughs. "Excuse me. were you aware that people have been picking on this girl?" He asked the orphanage lady. "No, it has not come to my attention..." She lied. The truth was that I had told her many times but she just didn't like me.
Well, we would like to adopt her please. I ran up to my room and packed everything and ran downstairs, just as the guys were finishing up with the papers. Then Jake came running over to me. "Lily!" he yelled with years in his eyes. "Panda!" I yelled with tears about to fall. (yes, Jake is my panda).... We run into a hug and start to cry into each others shoulders. "Don't leave!" he said. "I have to!" I cried. "Who's adopting you?" He asked looking around. I smiled and pointed over to the counter. "NO FLOPPING WAY!" he yelled. That was loud enough for the guys to notice and turn their attention to us. "Lucky!" he said/screamed. Then Andy came and I knew that it was time to leave. So I said goodbye to Jake and left.