Imagine 13: He leaves for tour.

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You knew the day would eventually come. The day Niall leaves on tour. You were savoring every minute you and Niall had left together. You would've joined him but alas, school had to come first and you were a week away from starting a new semester. 

Niall had promised to Skype and call you while he was away but you knew it was going to suck not seeing Niall everyday like you had been the last couple of weeks. Eight months was a long time. You were nervous as hell that Niall would find someone new or you would lose feelings. 

You stopped yourself from thinking, that would not happen. Its not like you couldn't surprise him for a couple of days, or weeks, or months  like you wished you could. God this was going to be so hard. 

"Y/N," You heard Niall call and you snapped out of your little daydream, "The cab is here we gotta go." He spoke softly and you felt your stomach drop. Already? You wish you could have one more night with Niall but unfortunately you had none left. 

It was very early in the morning, around three am so the streets were empty. The ride to the airport was quick and quiet. You held onto Niall the entire ride, trying to get some last minute cuddles before sending him off.

Once you arrived to the airport, it went downhill from there. You started to tear up, not wanting to separate from Niall for eight months. Niall noticed after grabbing his suitcase and stopped in his tracks. "Baby no." He pleaded. "Please don't make this harder than it already is." He spoke with a frown on his face.

You let out a pitiful laugh, "It's hard." You said pouting and shrugged your shoulders. "You know I'm going to miss you like crazy baby." He said and you felt the first tear drop. God this was all so annoying. You almost wished Niall wasn't some crazy famous musician. Almost was the key word, you knew you wouldn't want to keep him from living his dream.

"I'm going to miss you too babe." Wiping a tear from your face you dropped your face and continued walking towards check in. After Niall checked in was when it really got real. You knew you wouldn't be able to go past security so you had to say your goodbyes now. 

The airport was pretty much empty, only some people slowly trudging around in the early hour of the morning. "I don't want to say goodbye." You said wiping another tear from your eye. Niall looked like he had some tears in his eyes as well. "Neither do I petal but y'know I gotta go on tour." He said pulling you into a hug.

"I know I know, I just wish I could've joined you." You sigh into his chest. "You and me both Y/N." He kisses your forehead and pulls you back for a real kiss. Your lips meet in a sweet and passionate kiss. 

"I'll text you as soon as I land baby girl," He says and you nod your head and give him one more peck. "I love you." He adds and you grin a little. "I love you too. Have an amazing tour, and don't forget about me." You tease and he lets out a little scoff. "Like I could ever." 

You watch him go until you can't see him any longer. After leaving the airport, you catch a taxi ride back to your home and snuggle back into bed sadly. You're about to go back to sleep when your phone vibrates with a text from Niall. Its a photo of him, wrapped up in blankets pouting with the caption "all wrapped up ready for takeoff, going to miss you tons baby girl, I love you." 

You smile at the photo and put the phone down, a small smile on your lips. As you lay, drifting off to sleep you think about how long it's going to take for you to break and surprise him on tour. 

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