PROLOGUE: Once Upon a Time

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First to go was Keith Kogane.

Lance had considered him a rival, someone to compete against. Lance was always just a shadow behind the boy. No matter how hard he tried, he was constantly pushed down by Keith.

So when Keith got expelled from the garrison, Lance finally became a fighter pilot. He should've been happy- but this wasn't how Lance wanted it to happen.

A month later, Keith Kogane was reported missing.

Safe to say, Lance, and everyone else in the Galaxy Garrison, were shocked. Keith was missing? No way. He's a loner, sure, but how would he just suddenly disappear and never come back-?

Then, Takashi Shirogane.

Everyone was also shocked at this information. Lances hero, his motivation and inspiration to become an astronaut and to venture out into space just.. disappeared one night? And never came back?

"He was probably looking for that Keith kid.." Lance would overhear some kid grumble one day. "He's always favourited him."

Next on the list, Sam and Matt Holt. They were tasked with searching for Shiro after the garrison found some leads on his whereabouts, but those two never came back either.

Months later, a new cadet entered the picture: Pidge Gunderson. He was placed in Lance and Hunks group, and Lance would grow to become one of his best friends.

But then Pidge disappeared, too.

Both Lance and Hunk were in tears as they read the note Pidge- Katie Holt, had snuck inside their dorm through the crack in the door, shocked and horrified about what could have happened to them.

After, the final remaining member of the Holt family, Colleen Holt, disappeared.

"This is all so strange," Hunk mumbled, the two boys inside their dorm. It had been two days since Colleen was announced missing, and the two cadets became determined on finding them all. Even Keith.

"They're definitely all connected. All of the disappearances. Last known location for most of them.." The Samoan boy continued to ramble under his breath as he paced back and forth across the room.

"Ebott city," Lance provided, kicking his legs back and forth as he sat on his bed. "They were all last spotted in Ebott city."

Hunk sighed. "Why did this have to happen? If not, everyone would be thriving right now. Shiro, Matt, and Sam would have went on the mission to Kerberos, you, Pidge, and I would be finishing up our cadet training, and Keith..! Who knows what he would be doing!"

Lance snorted sarcastically. "Who knows, what if there was an evil alien race that suddenly appeared on Kerberos, and they kidnapped Matt, Shiro, and Sam when they went to Ketberos so they were declared dead by the Galaxy Garrison when really they were just kidnapped by an evil alien race but of course they didn't know because they couldn't send any search and rescue ships to investigate so they kinda just said they were all dead but then a year later, uhh, I dunno, Shiro, sure, he comes crashing down back onto earth in some weird alien ship but he has, like, a weird alien built prosthetic arm or something and the garrison are confused about it and worried that its possibly dangerous and because of this they restrain him so they can ask him questions about where everyone went, what happened, and what the hell that prosthetic arm was and why he had it and what abilities he could do with the prosthetic arm but the thing is you, Pidge and I actually witnessed the ship crashing because we tried to sneak out on a bonding night so we could bond as a team but then we saw the crash so we decided to go down to the site so we could investigate so we did and Pidge hacked into the cameras and then we see that Shiro is there so we go to save him because he's being restrained against his will and he looks like he was beaten up by some bitch and he's hurt so we go to rescue him from the garrison but then Keith is there too since he's Shiros favourite so then we put aside our differences and we all rescue Shiro together but we get caught so then we have no other choice but to run from the Garrison and stay at a weird old broken shack Keith has been living in for the past year and sleep at for the night because it's too late to go back both time wise since its like the middle of the night when that happened and also we'd definitely be expelled if we went back, so then the next morning we find out Keith is also a weird conspiracy theorist and Shiro supports his weird conspiracy theories, and Keith says he found a cave and he says he felt something in the cave calling out to him so we go to the cave and inside the cave there are weird markings of a lion robot but then we touch the markings and a hole opens up in the floor and we fall down but then we actually find a cool lion robot, the ones that those markings were portraying, and that they can transform into a bigger robot with other lion robots so we fly the first cool lion robot because it somehow was telepathically telling us to but then evil aliens, the ones who kidnapped the Kerberos guys by the way, appear and start to attack us but then a big portal in the sky randomly appears so we fly into the portal and suddenly we end up on some weird different planet that looks like earth but isnt actually earth and in front of us is a cool large castle and then inside the castle there are two kind aliens and their race went extinct because of the mean evil alien race so then we learn that the cool mega robot is a powerful weapon that can defeat the evil alien race leader but he wants to capture the robot lions and destroy them because it's actually the only thing that can defeat him and the cooler thing is that we were destined to pilot those robots so then we become defenders of the universe and then-"

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