Vampire and Human(Blay x Kan)💙❤️

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Request from: Sky_Gweneth(Okay, let's started!)

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Request from: Sky_Gweneth
(Okay, let's started!)

In the beautiful morning, there are two peoples that walk together and it's Kan and Lay. They are went out to take a walk to get a fresh air.

Lay: Hey Kan!
Kan: Hm?
Lay: Do you know about the humour in Internet?

Kan: No, what is it?
Lay: They saying, there's a vampire in "______ forest"

Kan: Pfft- Why are you really-really a idiot Lay? Vampires isn't real! It just a fake or a costume for Halloween!

Lay: No! That was true! I saw them at night before! Semeone is flying with a wing and it's big! It's impossible if it was a bat!

Kan: Maybe you're just dreaming😑
Lay: Ugh! If you don't believe me let's go to the forest tonight!

Kan: What!? This night!!?
Lay: Yeah! I will prove that vampires are real!

Kan: Fine.. I kinda curious too about the vampires..

Lay: Okay! I will go to your house at 09:00 PM alright?

Kan: Okay..

At Night

Kan and Lay is already meeting in front of the forest, and they are already to go inside the forest.

Lay: Kan, are you scared~ ?
Kan: What!? Ofc not! Now let's go and searching them it's not gonna be real!

Lay: Okay! I will prove it to you, if the vampire was real!

Kan and Lay start to enter the forest and try to searching the vampire for some hours, but they are didn't find them(they are not going together)

(09:30 PM)

Kan: Damn I didn't find any vampire in here, maybe Lay is lying or he was just stupid to hear some of that humour!-_-

Looks like I need to call him right now to meet and go back together:|

Kan calling Lay with his phone and Lay answer it

Lay: Hello Kan!! Did you find any vampire?

Kan: No, how about you?
Lay: We'll I just have some feeling that semeone is following me.. It's scary and I don't know..

Kan: Pfft- I thought you say you're not scared😂?

Lay: Kan I'm serious! I think semeone is following and yeah I see semeone is flying in front of me! And it was a boy with a- ...

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