the reckoning

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(started this just after the last chapter)

tazuna: so that's the story, now you know, im sorry for lying but we needed the help

kakashi: so gato is destroying this village huh, alright we'll help but obviously for a price, we can't continue this high stake mission without compensation

tazuna: *sigh* understood, what do you desire from our village?

kakashi: a nice little treaty will do fine, nothing large but when this village is back on its feat we will be allies, nothing to major, obviously you have to give something to us but we will return in kind if the hokage accepts it

tazuna: that's...better than expected, what would the treaty have us do?

kakashi: well it can act as a large port for konoha so some ships don't have to travel to far, for what you'll get in return, that would be decided by the hokage, it could be free missions to here, it could be a few ninja to be stationed here to protect this place or if we can't, send assassin's to kill gato, you never know

inari: tch, it's a waste of time, gato is far to powerful for you to defeat, he has more than 200 bandits to help him and a few missing nin surrounding wave that he could send at you at any time, you'll all just die

kakashi: kid, you have no idea just how weak gato truly is, yes maybe his bandits are hard to defeat but listen to me, konoha takes out around 330 bandits a month, though this is my gennins first c rank and by extension A rank, bandits are as strong as a well trained academy student

inari:....tch, it doesn't matter, you will die to gato just like my dad

inari just walked away to his room to brood

Naruto: poor kid, reminds me of sasuke in the academy but more vocal ..much more vocal

sasuke: shut it dobe

Naruto just grinned at him, over the last 2 days he felt he had an actual bond of some form with sasuke now and for once he felt like sasuke felt the same as him

kakashi: anyways since zabuza will likely be back sometime next week I suppose I should up your guys training for the next few days

sakura: what would a few days training do for us sensei?

kakashi: more than you know, now come on, though I'm not completely recovered I should be fine enough to teach you a few things

(I've come up with a way to measure chakra control now, for every 100 points you have in it you can control 5000 chakra, every ten points is obviously 500 chakra points for those that can't do math:)

kakashi led his students outside into the forest while also having Naruto form a few clones to keep guard over the house

sasuke: say dobe, I never asked but what kind of clones are they, when we sparred they could actually touch and hit me

naruto: hm, oh yeah right, the normal clone jutsu is an illusion, apparently, from what iruka sensei says, I have to much chakra for the clone jutsu so I would need a lot of chakra control to form one but the one im using now takes much more chakra  with not much control needed, but because of the chakra cost it becomes solid though can't take more than one or two hits

sasuke: hmm, would I be able to use the jutsu?

naruto: I don't believe so, it takes about as much as the fire ball jutsu would out of a person

sasuke just hummed before nodding, he probably couldn't make more than 2 before clocking out

kakashi then brought them to a tree and thought them how to climb tree's with no hands, more impressive until I say they used chakra on their feet to climb it

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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