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During their little break, everyone just joined Trek in the dining room for snacks and a couple of drinks. Eron was rambling on the the rockie about the battle. "And then she launched Riff into the air and hit him in the gut and jumped on top of him and pinned him to the floor and won!!" "I don't recall it happening like that," Riff defended himself. 

"That's exactly what happened, Riff," Ikor countered. "It was so cool!" Eron yelled. "That was nothing," Ao-ki grinned. "Back at home, Alu could beat up a warrior half the size of a Gormian Elephant!" "You're exaggerating Ao," Alu looked away in embarrassment. "Woah! Really!?" Eron ran up to her and grabbed both her hands in his. 

"That's even cooler!" Alu, not being used to being this close to anyone other than Ao-ki, blushed a bit from the sudden touch of the Windie. Said Windie, upon seeing how red she was, soon realized how awkward they must've looked and his cheeks were soon painted red too. But he didn't let go. He didn't want to let go. 

*Insert over exaggerated cough here* The two were snapped out of their trance and turned to look at Ao-ki, who was eyeing them suspiciously while grinning. "If you two are done getting lost in each other's eyes, I believe we have some snacks to finish," she said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"We were not!" Eron and Alu exclaimed in unison. Upon hearing each other's voice they glanced at the other. Their eyes met. They looked away soon after with little pink hues on their faces again. Ao-ki could only smile at the cute scene playing before her. 

~Timeskip! Brought to you by 2:59 am~

It was nighttime. The very middle of the night to be specific. And a certain midnight-blue haired boy couldn't sleep. He kept on hearing little noises from somewhere in the tower. And it was driving him crazy to be so sleep deprived. 

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He jumped out of his bed, out the door and into the darkness of the One Tower. He listened carefully for the source of the sound and pinpointed its location. He was surprised when he realized it was Ao-ki's room. He thought he was wrong but sure enough, he heard loud giggles from inside. 

Sleepily, he knocked on the door and the stifled laughs were immediately silenced. The door was answered soon after by the guardian herself. "Oh, hi Eron." she smiled. "What brings you here?" "Who's that Ao?" another voice called from behind and soon, Alu was in his line of vision. He face slightly flushed from the heat and her with an uncontrollable grin on her face. 

When she saw the Wind Herald, her smile only seemed to grow. "Eron! Hello," she called from her post on the bed. Eron smiled back at her.  Her hair was down and fell messily on her face. It gave her a sort of cute demeanor and the Windie couldn't deny it. "Hi, I just couldn't sleep that's all." he started. "I heard some noise coming from here and....."

"Did we wake you up?" Alu scrambled from her place on the bed and ran to him, feeling guilty. She started to panic. "We're sorry! Really truly sorry. I didn't mean to, I just....."No worries Alu. You were having fun and there's no way I'd ever get mad at someone for having fun." Eron grinned. Alu wasn't convinced. "But we disturbed your sleep.." she mumbled. 

Ao-ki had an idea. "Hey, how about we make it up to you by you joining our little sleepover?" she asked all innocently. "Really!?" Eron's eyes glimmered in excitement, "Alright!" he cheered. "Yay!" Alu echoed. The guardian could only smile at their childish acts.

And so Eron went into Ao-ki's room and the three spent the night doing all sorts if silly stuff like playing games and pulling pranks on each other and talking about the most random things on Gorm. Eron was actually surprised to see Alu looking so happy. 

She was so shy and quiet when she was with the others. But now she was laughing and yelling and making funny faces and the sight of it was pure heaven to him. He felt special, being given the honor of seeing the younger Guardian in her comfort zone..

"Eron? Eron? Gorm to Wind Herald!" He was snapped out of his thoughts by a hand waving in front of him. It was Alu. She looked at him, confused. That's when it dawned on him that he was staring at the girl this entire time. "Oh! Sorry about that!" he laughed it off. Alu just smiled. 

"He got lost in his fantasies while staring at you. Aren't you lucky Lu~" Ao-ki cooed, earning a hit from a pillow on her face. "Ao!" Alu blushed furiously at the remark, Eron soon mirrored it. Ao-ki laughed, "You two are the cutest, y'know that?" she asked, airily.

Alu played it off. "Yeah! Eron's just adorable! Can I touch your hair?" she made puppy-dog eyes at the Windie. How could he ever say no to that!? "Uh, sure. I don't mind," he smiled sheepishly. "Yay!" Alu leapt at him. She didn't hesitate to bury her fingers in his luscious midnight locks. 

Eron soon found himself melting into her touch. It was soothing the way she coincidentally massaged his scalp while twirling her fingers through his hair. Before he even knew it, he had fallen asleep on her! His head in Alu's lap, the girl smiled at the peaceful state he was in and continued to play with his hair. 

"Tell me, Lu." Ao-ki started, wishing she her sister could smile like that forever. "Hmm?" Alu hummed in response, still lost in her own world of pure bliss. "What do you think of Eron?" Ao-ki knew the question wouldn't shock her. Alu was one to give straight forward answers to her sister. 

"I like him. He's a really fun person and is always entertaining. Plus he's just the cutest person in the universe. And he doesn't mind me. I wanna be friends with him." Alu simply answered without hesitation.  Ao-ki decided to press, "So you like Eron?" she raised a brow. Her twin looked at her, completely oblivious to her intentions. "Well, yeah. Is something wrong with that?" 

Ao-ki laughed and shook her head, "Nope, not at all. If anything, I wanted you to say that. Now come on, we should get some rest too dontcha think?" "Right!" Alu beamed and the two soon fell asleep too on the makeshift bed of blankets and pillows on the floor, with Alu next to Eron and Ao-ki next to Alu. They all soon drifted into a comfortable slumber.


Hi hi!<3 

So thanks for reading and I hope you're enjoying the story. Yeah, so I just wanted to say that this'll be the last chapter for the time being because I'm going back to Boarding School today. I really enjoyed writing this book and already can't wait to get back in six weeks time to continue. 

I promise this isn't the end and I hope ya'll will wait for me cuz I promise it'll be worth it. Happy Day, Afternoon or Night and Happy Reading!! Also don't forget to always.....

🔥Set Your Heart Ablaze!!🔥


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