mx. perfectly fine

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hey there mx. perfectly fine
how's your heart after breaking mine?
you scratched it out and tossed it to the ground
i cried and wailed, but you didn't hear a sound

let's catch up, mx. perfectly fine!
how are you doing after all this time?
working on yourself? i love that for you
(wish you'd have done that before we were through)

what's new with you, mx. perfectly fine?
I'm sure you've got great things in line
you're with someone new? I'm sure they're great!
i'll try to ignore my mixed feelings today

how's that new job, mx. perfectly fine?
i hope your shifts don't cover you in grime
me? oh, I'm just working in retail
compared to you, it's no interesting tale

oh, what's wrong, mx. perfectly fine?
what possible reason could you be crying?
the one that got away? I'm sure I'm not
we "weren't meant to be" is what you thought

me? I'm great, mx. perfectly fine
i've finally moved over state lines!
it was our dream, right? to go on our own
but i realize now, a house doesn't make a home

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