Chapter 1 Love at first sight

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No one's pov

Note: regression 4to6 years old

Jisung woke up in the middle of the night trying to feel felix on the bed but jisung Felt nothing he start to feel himself slipping thinking of being alone


Jisung said in almost a whisper He throw the pillow on the floor and the blanket everything is on the floor desperately trying to find felix any second he felt like hell jisung fully regressed and he started to cry loudly hot tears falling to he's chubby cheeks he's alone he can't find felix

"Lixie whewe are wu...?"
"sungie scawrd!"

Many seconds and minute's past by
jisung can't take it anymore he really need to find felix jisung got up from the bed He open the door in their sheared Bed room and go in the living room to find felix But when he got there there's no sign of Felix even in the bathroom jisung panicked thinking felix got kidnapped

He immediately put on his slippers He unlock the door and get out from the apartment and started to look for felix in street in the middle of the night alone not even thinking what might happen to him

What if someone tried to grab him and to raped him or get kidnapped like felix but he doesn't care He just wanted to find he's Lixie and save him from the kidnapper's


Jisung said shouting while sniffing,he put he's small hand to he's cheeks trying to wipe them but it's no use he's nose got red from crying and feel he's legs are getting numb for walking too long

While he's walking he bumped into someone and fall from he's butt


Jisung said while rubbing hes butt,jisung look up and he met with a man with a muscular body looks taller than him and have a very scary Aura with piercing eye's he got up immediately get stumbled a little and lower he's head

"I-im s-so-sowwy"

The man just stare at him jisung get confused he doesn't get any reply he look up and met with the stanger piercing eyes,
he feel shiver around he's body he immediately remove he's eye's from the intimidating man and just shrugged it off that it's just normal to people

Through it's better if he's start to look again for felix
and just like that jisung started to walked again leaving the guy he bumped with


Jisung shout not caring if the man he's been bumped hear him he's desperate aren't he? because he is,
he need's to find felix jisung is not fond of being alone he get scared easily that's why felix never leave he's side and always protect him but where's felix?

Minho's pov

I was just walking after i finish my business
i know it's already midnight but im here to calm my self why?

Because can you believe it my most trusted men betrayed me really just for the big money they offered to him
as you could tell i shoot him right in the head that's what he get for betraying me asshole!

And when i was enjoying the night i look around me there's no many people and car's passing by maybe because it's already midnight but then something or someone bump into me i almost fell


I cursed luckily i immediately back up my posture before i even fall but let's just say the boy bumped into me fall well you can't blame me my reflexes is not that good i looked into the boy that not much looked younger than me let's just say everyone tells me that im old
(i know your reminded of seungmin)

I debated to my self if i should help the boy or shout at him for bumping into me
and probably threatened him wait why would i even help a stranger what is wrong with me it's just that the guy looked so tiny "cute~"

"Wait.. what!?"while im still debating and asking my self why im like this the boy looked up at me and it hit me the boy looks like an angel a fallen angel would i say is this the face of a real angel? my eyes are blessed aww looked at that doe eyes he's cute little jeekies and he's tiny lips that can perfectly fit mine

"Wait...what is wrong with me! I'm literally simping over a stranger well a cute one i put my right hand over where my heart
it is beating fast im afraid the boy Infront of me hear my loud beating heart what is this feeling it feels like my heart is gonna burst any moment

But i know I'm fallen I've been fallen over a boy who looked like an angel i would say a squirrel too but i know it's not the right time to have you in my arms wait for me cutie you will be 'MINE!

A smile creeping over my lips i watch how the cute boy disappear from my sight i walk back where my car is and told my driver to drive me back home immediately
while I'm still thinking of that boy but why is that cutie talking in third person? i shrugged it off and talk to my men to find an information over the cute boy

I Hope You Like it!

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