Message for EVERYONE #ItApplysToEveryoneEvenYou

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We all have that one person we wish we could be, that one person that's life seems so perfect. The truth is nobody's perfect. We all have that picture in our head of the person we wish we could be, but honestly we are perfect just the way we are.

Girls, I am one of you and I still look in the mirror are go "I need to loss weight" or "I am ugly" but I learned from someone very dear to my heart "It's not what you look like that matters, It's your personality"

So, stop judging what you look like.

Start learning from what you do in life. Learn from your mistakes. Learn from your every day experiences. Listen to what your parents tell you. Even if it sounds stupid or it's not what you want to do, it's what is right.

Everything has a message, something you can learn from. Even if it does not seem like it, it does. You just have to look close enough and think about everything before you do it.

Don't just jump into something. Think about it, Will you regret it? Is it what's right? Will it have a consequence/ bad out come? If you said "yes" to any of those questions then DON'T do it. It is that simple.

Trust me I know what is like to be a teenager and want to party all the time and disobey your parent and sneaking out. I am one!!!!!

Trust me it's not worth it. It has serious consequences in the end. I am not just talking losing you allounce. I am talking losing EVERYTHING even the people around you. Not saying they will be dead just saying they wont trust you, you wont get anything, and you wont be able to go any where
No money or no wifi.

Just you!!

If your saying these things don't apply to you, you're WRONG they apply to EVERONE!!! Whether you're 0 or you're 9,999 years old, or young or old or inbetween. THEY APPLY!!!!!

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