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Jungkooks usual day


"Stop screaming. You're acting like he killed your mother." Jungkook said as he looked at his friend, the male besides him frowning and crossing his arms.

"I'm not exaggerating here.. Jimin knew I wanted to eat those noodles."

"..perhaps he didn't wanna eat them?"

"But I did! He could've ordered something else for him.. I just wanted them and he ordered me those mother fucking dumplings instead!"

"Relax Tae.. It's not that dramatic." Jungkook said, not really getting why it was such a big deal for Taehyung.

The older sometimes seemed a little bit sensetive, Jimin also being a sensetive fellow made this only more problematic.

"Speaking of the devil" Jungkook mumbled, seeing Jimin walk in and sitting down on the other side of Jungkook.

".. Don't tell me you're upset as well..?" Jungkook said in disbelieve, looking at Jimin who had his arms crossed too and didn't look at Taehyung as if ignoring him

The two really were good friends, but one small incident and they acted like they killed off each other's family.

"..does anyone want my dessert?" Jungkook asked, holding the small pudding up, both Jimin and Taehyung not saying anything and instead just staring at the dessert.

"Free dessert? Fuck yeah!" Another voice appeared, the guy grabbing the pudding out of Jungkooks hands and sitting down on the opposite of them.

"No! Hobi I just tried to get them to speak to each other again!" Jungkook frowned in frustration, Hoseok just taking the spoon to start eating the pudding while watching the three in front of him.

"Jungkook.. Let's be honest, this won't change their mind." Hobi said after a minute, putting down the spoon and looking at the two dramatic queens.

"Oh, have you heard of the new student by the way? Everyone says he's really cute."

Both Taehyung and Jimin now looked at the older kind of curious

"A new student..? And he's cute? What type of cute? Cute to fuck? Cute to watch or cute vibes?" Jimin asked, Jungkook furrowing his eyebrows and looking at the smaller besides him

"The fuck are you coming up with those days? Cute to watch? Watching him jerk off or what ?"

"Exactly." Taehyung now answered with a small grin, looking at Jimin who only grinned back and both smiling at each other.

Hoseok looked at the three, only shrugging his shoulders as Jungkook looked lost at him how the two suddenly became friends again when it came to something like that.

"How do you even know that we have a new student?" Jungkook whispered as the two stood in line to order something to drink, Hoseok starting to smile and shrugging his shoulders.

"I just made that up to be honest."

"Huh? For real? You're such a fucking genius Hoseok.. Their drama finally ended. I really was about to smash their heads together.."

Another five minutes and Jimin and Taehyung both giggled as they whsipered to each other, Jungkook and Hoseok joining the two again and completely ignoring their questions about the new student.

"Come on Hobi tell us! Is his ass nice?"

"Can't be better than yours." Taehyung mumbled, taking a sip of his water only for his shoulder to get nudged by Jimin and nearly spitting the water back out when he saw Hoseoks expression of pure disblief what he just heard.

"That was hella gay.. Even for you." Jungkook whispered also in disbelief, looking towards Jimin who only chuckled.

Nobody really was focused on eating.
They just spoke about different topics, Hoseok eventually revealing that he lied about the new student and both Jimin and Taehyung being dissapointed as hell.

"Anyways.. I have to go now sorry guys. I'm gonna meet with one of the girls in the first year."the bunny boy apologized, standing up from their table that was near a big window.

"Ohhh~ how come? I thought you aren't interested in the first year's?" jimin asked with a small grin, looking up at the younger.

"I'm not.. I'm gonna reject her."

"Damn.. That's brutal." Hoseok spoke, leaning back as he looked at the well build boy who now shook his head frantically.

"No no! I'm gonna be nice dont worry. I'm not gonna be rude or brutal to her. I can't do that to a first year." Jungkook said, looking at his phone and quickly walking off to not be late.

".. He's gonna make her cry anyways." Taehyung mumbled, the two nodding in agreement.

Jungkook really was nice when rejecting people he really had no interest in, but damn people still didn't take it well.

He was literally known as the heartthrob of college who made girls and even guys cry because of how unreachable he seemed.

Not only him though, but also his friends.
All in all a very good looking friend group, popular with every gender, yet not open for anyone to join their small circle of best friends.

A loud sight, a cry and Jungkook who again stood straight in front of another girl of many who he rejected.

He slowly had gotten used to it.
So many rejections, so many times he made people cry and by now didn't really care anymore about it and so many lunch breaks he had to waste for this.

The day was luckily over just as quick, hanging out with Taehyung after classes and doing some typical dumb rich boy shit.


"I'M GONNA FUCKING GET YOU! THAT'S FOR BEING A BITCH EARLIER!" Jungkook laughed, sitting on an golf cart and chasing Taehyung who sat in the other golf cart.

They literally played bumper cars with the golf carts.

Well, two rich bitch friends, what else would you expect?

".. I feel dead.. "Taehyung mumbled, sitting in the overly green grass, Jungkook letting out a small hum in agreement and laying on the grass besides him.

".. I'll buy another one.."jungkook said as he looked at the golf cart they somehow managed to completely fuck up.

Perhaps not the best idea to chase each other, they had to admit that after they both nearly drove in the pool a few minutes ago and broke down a whole fence.

".. You have the same thought I do, right?" Taehyung asked, looking besides him to Jungkook the younger staring back and starting to smile a bit.

The two nodded their heads, a simple snip of his finger and the butler arrived, looking a bit questionable at the two but not really caring since he got paid anyways.

So there they sat, Jungkook and Taehyung sitting in their chairs with sunglasses on as they watched the golf cart burn from an distance.

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