~ 𝘼𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 ~

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5th January 2023.

Our main characters have been chilling inside the house, not having much to be occupied. Charles was mostly cooking some dishes while Triobnal was in her room, doing stuff.

Charles did get an idea to get the day going faster: Since it friend's birthday is tomorrow, why not take him today at an amusement park? He knew they liked those places, anyway.

He went to Triobnal's room to tell her about the idea he had:

"Hey, Trib. I got some sort of idea you would maybe like to hear."
"Huh? Quid est?"
"You know how you like those amusement parks or however you call them. Why not go there now? Tomorrow's your day, y'know?"

The triangle bambi had his hopes high when hearing the idea, running into the goat to hug it.

"Oh, tam utilem! Eamus nunc! Gratias ago tibi ton pro cogitationibus tuis!"
"Heh, Sure. Whatever. Glad your into it."

And so they decided to go out of the house to their destination before they had to tell Mari and others in the house that they were going outside for a bit, But probably Mari didn't even pay attention. Oh well.

They arrived in the car, Charles having to get in the driving seat. Triobnal could also try driving, but she doesn't know the location of the place. It would be chaos if they drove, too. She could just float around until she found the place, but it was a day for the two, not one.

The driver started the car, moving to their destination, both of the passengers being buckled up, of course. Triobnal was in charge of the radio since his goat friend was busy with the road. He didn't change that many songs since she didn't want to break it, even if his nibbles are soft anyway.

Yet, it only took them some minutes to get to the destination, and got lucky to find a good parking spot! They both got out of the car, Triobnal being too excited floated right into the entrance without waiting. Charles did slow him down, however, so no need to panic.

After paying for the entrance, they both got into the lobby of the theme park. It was like a dream come true for our triangle friend. She was so excited that she wanted to try almost everything from the park.

"Ooh! Eamus ad scaphas! An fortasse rollercoaster? Forsitan ex illis coniectura ludos quoque?"
"Whoa whoa! Keep your excitement down. We have a whole day just to check out this place anyway."

Triobnal did calm down a bit after he heard the advice from his friend, So he pointed at the first thing he wanted to try.

"..The boats? Aren't those too boring? They're slow, y'know."
"Si tibi non placet, tum ad scutellas ire possumus. :^"
"That sounds good to me. You get to choose the ride tho."

They both went to a rollercoaster with a space theme on it. It wasn't that extreme, but Trib probably chose it due to the theme of it that reminded her of their homeplace. The waiting row was pretty long, so the two bambis did have to wait a bit.

It took around 30 minutes until it was their turn to get on the ride. Charles was a bit brave so he choose to be in the front more, Triobnal just agreeing whatever he was told. He did have to tell them how to hold the rail since it was the first time our triangle friend went on a rollercoaster.

"...Certusne es haec esse tuta? Scis, fortasse aliquid periculose accidere potest-"
"I'm sure everything is going to be alright. You choose the coaster anyway, right?"
" Suspicor te esse."

But Triobnal still had a bit of worrying in their soul. What if something bad happens? Or an injury occurs?

Before she could even process the thoughts, the ride already started moving, making him panic for a second before the ride went full speed. Everyone screamed out of enjoyment, with some "Woos" and "whoa's" from some people. Both of our characters had their eyes closed, Charles was enjoying it while Triobnal wasn't really into it. He did try opening his eyes and realizing, It was not that bad! She somehow really liked the speed of the coaster, like how they float at extreme speeds! The loops were fun for both of them too.

After some turns and slopes, the ride went to an end, and everyone got out of it. A passenger did get sick after all that, but they got the necessary support they needed. Back to our main characters.

"So, how was your first experience? Did you enjoy it?"
"Non expectandum est illud iocum esse honestum. Is me fluitans admonuit!"
"Good to hear. Want to eat something? You know, popcorn or cotton candy?"

The moment Triobnal heard popcorn and cotton candy, he nodded in agreement, since those were her favorite foods. He's sort of a sweet tooth, kind of.

After they got their snacks, they decided to go play some games at the arcade. There was a variety: CoOp ones, rhythm games, Luck games, You name it! They did get a huge amount of tickets since Charles got a jackpot 5 times of 500 tickets in the lucky ones. The bambis decided to buy something for the others, a bread plushie for Mari, some yellow and black keychains for Caution, and a turtle-shaped stress toy for High.

It went already evening after all the time they have spent together, so the best idea was to end it with a final ride.

"Since we have time for one more ride, where do you want to go?"
"O! Circulum magnum vidi qui lente torquet. Vel cacumen attingere potes ubi est eximius altus!"
"..You mean a Ferris wheel?"
"Dextera tua! Ii!"

Ironically, the Ferris wheel was pretty close to their current location, So they didn't have much time to walk from it. The waiting line wasn't long, either, which was a pretty lucky thing for Ferris wheels. Right as they got in one of the cabins, they had both already gone their way up.

The ride was pretty slow. But both of them tend to enjoy each other's company.

"So..did you like the day I made for you?"
"Certus sum! Tantum iocum habuit in Atrides. Labores etiam boni fuerunt, ego nesciebam vos meos amores nosse!"
"Mari somehow knew about it and told me too."
"Dic, satis magnus es amicus. Colloquia cum aliis multis non invenio donec tibi ante annum occurram."
"Itaque libet gratias tibi pro omnibus quae fecisti mihi. Nam mecum toto hoc anno. Numquam aliquis tam me curans donec hos menses omnes."
"Not even sure if I understood your latin words, but I'm glad you liked this surprise."

Triobnal did pout after hearing that, saying some emotional words just for nothing? But the Ferris wheel was already at its end. A thing they both noticed was that there was a camera.
They thought it would be a good idea to take it as a nice memorial piece.

And the camera went in 3..2..1.

As the photo booth already took the image, the triangle one was already tried due to having to bend his legs for a pretty long time just for the picture

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As the photo booth already took the image, the triangle one was already tried due to having to bend his legs for a pretty long time just for the picture. Charles was pretty short compared to Triobnal anyway.

They got out of the Ferris wheel, collected the photograph that the Ferris camera got, and went home due to the time being close to night.

They reached home safely, with Triobnal handing over the gifts that they both got for the others.
He was already tired of the energetic day she had with Charles, so they went to him just for a last thank you.

"Multum ago, nunquam ego hodie obliviscar."
"Your welcome Triobnal, no need to-"


"..thank me."

The end, I guess. :)

Triobnal and Charles anniversarry special fan fic woooWhere stories live. Discover now