Star Wars - Anakin

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Crystal was so excited about the training. Her and Anakin had different exercises every day, as Obi-wan Kenobi's padawans. Most of the time they completed the tasks, but there were lots of examples, when they failed. They had to learn how to work as a team, and it was so difficult for both of them.

This time they were in a simulation, where they had to deactivate a huge space ship.

-Let's go! We've got the chance now! -Anakin said and he looked at Crystal.

-You want to go to the center of the base? -the girl was about to laugh at this riddiculus idea, but Anakin's face was death serious.

-This is the only way, to turn it off! -the boy shouted while he was doing a maneuver with their ship. -Let's go!

-Fine, but I drive! -Crystal still didn't like the plan and she only agreed because she didn't have a better idea. She drove the space ship into the center, to blow it up, but something went wrong. She couldn't stop the ship, and they almost hit it, when suddenly the simulation turned off. Anakin stood up, and he was really angry.

-WHAT DID YOU DO? -he shouted

-ME? THIS WAS YOUR IDEA! -Crystal said aggressivly.


-I couldn't stop, you saw it too! Just admit that it was your fault!

-It's not my fault, that you can't drive! -Anakin said, but they both stayed in silence when they saw Obiwan. There was anger and dissapointment on his face.

-Enough! It was both of your fault. You should work as a team, not like two stupid Tusken Raider! If one of you fail, both of you fail. Now go to your dorms and think about that. -He looked less angry. -We will talk later. -he said, than walked away. -Like two five year-old. Sometimes it really feels like, I'm their father. -Obiwan wispered quietly, so the two padawans couldn't hear it.

After Obiwan left Crystal and Anakin looked at each other with death stare, then they went to their rooms, as their master said.

A few hours later Crystal was standing on the balcony. She was thinking about the day, when suddenly she heard something behind her back. She grabbed her lightsaber and turn around.

-Woah, chill, it's just me! -Anakin said.

-Oh, sorry. -She turned off the lightsaber. The boy walked to her, and then they were watching the stars together. They stood in silence for a while. Everything was just so calm.

-Just admit it. -Crystal said finally. -It was a terrible plan.

-My plans always work! -Anakin said with a big smile on his face. Crystal just rolled her eyes.

-But they are always so risky! We could have died! Again!

-I would never let you die. -He said quietly. -I will always protect you.

-Yes, and this is the point, when you forget, that you are mortal. And you can get hurt. -This point she got stuck for a moment, but she continued. -And if you die, I won't have any reasons to live.


-I know I shouldn't say this, because I'm a jedi, but it's true, Anakin. You are the only reason, I'm still alive, and I want to be alive.


-And I know, that.... -she started, but she couldn't finish it, because Anakin made her silence, by kissing her lips. He leand his forehead against her and whispered.

-It took you too long, to say, that you love me. -he said, and then they both started laughing. Crytal hit him, but she had a good time too. Then the boy's face got serious.

-I love you too. -he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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