Chapter 1

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"What's this I hear about you dating Braydon? Why didn't you tell me?" I ask my best friend Crystal. She just shrugs and answers, "I thought you liked him so I was scared of what you would think when I told you."

My heart stuttered, appalled at her blatant remark. "So you thought that you could keep it from me? Three weeks Crystal! Three weeks you went behind my back. And you know what the sad part is? You were never going to confront me about it. I had to find out from Savanna because my own best friend decided she wasn't going to tell me," I paused to catch a breath, "What would persuade you to tell Savanna-- a girl you just met last year-- and not your best friend that you've known your whole life?"

It seems my statement has just gone over her head when she calmly responds, "Again, like I said before, I thought you liked him so I didn't want to tell you. Plain and simple."

"So you just decided to tell Savanna even though you actually knew that she liked him and was considering going out with him and he the same with her a week before you guys started dating?" I cross my arms over my chest and give her one of the sternest looks I could manage. All the while thinking about how she just continues to dig herself a bigger hole after telling me the reason she decided to not tell me was for the same exact reason that she told Savanna. Seriously, what kind of logic is that?!

"...I guess?" Was her bland reply, no emotion whatsoever, not even a hint of regret. I mean, what's there to be regretful for?! It's not like she didn't just stab her friend in the back or anything.

I sigh, "You know what Crystal? Just forget I even said anything. I'll see you later." With that I quickly turn on my heel and head to my next class, not once looking back.

Eventually, after long, tedious lectures, the bell rings signaling the end of the school day. Everyone rushes out the door, eager to make it to their cars before the parking lot gets too backed up. Meanwhile, I leisurely stroll down the halls towards the spot where my friends and I usually meet up before we all head home, lost in my thoughts.

Could I have been too harsh towards Crystal this morning? Can I really blame her for not telling me? Ugh! This is all so messed up! Before I can think about it further, I hear the voices of my group of friends greeting me. A little stunned at the sudden sound I quickly greet them back with a smile of my own, not able to think of a response quick enough. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Crystal frantically tapping on her phone, seemingly oblivious to the world around her. Probably texting Braydon as I don't see him. He's probably still on his way over here from class.

I look at each and everyone of their smiling faces as I ask, "So what do you guys think about us all getting together this weekend and going canoeing? After all, it'll probably be the last chance we all have at getting together one last time before summer starts next week and we all start packing for college and going our separate ways."

There's silence before anyone responds, probably thinking about whether or not they had plans this weekend or not. Apparently, none of them did as I get a chorus of, "Yeah! Sounds like fun!"

I look over at Crystal, waiting for her reply to see that she is still texting on her phone. "Crystal? Did you hear what I said?" There was a pause as she finished her last sentence and looked up from her phone.

"Yeah, something about us getting together and going canoeing? Sounds like fun, I'll be there--" Something seems to have attracted her attention as she looks over my shoulder at something behind me. I turn around and what a surprise! It's Braydon! Yay! Notice the sarcasm.

I turn back around to face her just to have her exclaim, "Hey I'll see you guys later! Braydon's taking me on a date!" She squeals as she runs up to him and latches on to his arm and they both make their way to his car, sending us a little wave before getting in and driving away.

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