#2 Jealous Of Him

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Caspar's PoV:
Oli White... yeah he's my mate but he needs to lead that I need time with my boyfriend! Joe also needs to learn that he has a jealous boyfriend!! Oli hangs out with us a lot and I don't mind it, its just all the time and I'm always traveling and with Oli I get even less "boyfriend time" with Joe if you know what I mean!

********4 days later*********
I'm going to La for a few months with Joe and I can't wait to be alone with him! I've missed being close to him, holding him, kissing him and well you know....wink wink!
"Hey Joe you got the tickets?" Joe books everything you see I'm so incapable!!!
"Yeah, Oli should be here in 5 anyway then we can leave" Oli?! What?! "Oli?!"
"Yeah Casp, me, you and Oli, why do you seem so angry?" Angry oh I'm beyond angry!!
"BECAUSE YOURE MY BOYFRIEND!!! I NEVER SPEND ANY TIME ALONE WITH YOU ANYMORE, IM STARTING TO THINK YOUDE RATHER FUCK OLI INSTEAD OF ME BUT I GET IT I LOVE YOU AND YOU DONT LOVE ME, its fine" I can hear Joe shouting me but I don't care, I went to the guest room or my old room. "Casp, don't be like that of course I love you! I love you more than anything, but I haven't had a friend like Oli in a long time, a great friend like him is hard to find and I don't want to lose that again!" He's crying shit, but he still doesn't get it "So you'd rather spent all you time with a great friend over your boyfriend, who by the way and something very special planned this holiday. But now your 'great friend' will be there, so my plan is out of the window!" I feel for the small box in my pocket and a tear falls down my slightly red cheeks as I hear Joe crying on the other side of the door. "I'm so sorry Casp!" "It's my fault Joe I over reacted again and Oli is our friend so I guess it's just another holiday where I can't be your only attention!" I open the door only to stumble back from Joe hugging me and sobbing "No Joe, Baby it's okay I'm sorry, I love you" "I love you too" "I love you three" Oli... always! Every time he ruins the moment and I was about to ask him to marry me then because we were alone and both emotional! " SCREW THIS, I'm going to do this now, so no more interruptions..." I look directly at Oli and shit I'm so nervous!
"Joe, I've loved you for so log and when you said you'd be my boyfriend 2 years ago, I was the happiest man on earth! But now I don't want you to be my boyfriend..." he started sobbing in fear I can tell but it's okay, I get down one knee "I want you to be my husband and be with me for the rest of our live, Joe will you marry me?" It came out as a whisper but I heard the "yes" over the sobbing and laughing! "Well...i will see you in the car." for god sake Oli!

Joes PoV:
OH MYGOD IM GOING TO BE MR LEE! I love Caspar so much and I've never been this happy! Shit we need to leave! This holiday just got a lot better!!!

Me and Caspar sat together being all couple like on the plane not excluding Oli of course, even though he slept 7 and 1/2 hours out of an 8 hour flight! We have just arrived at the hotel and Caspar has changed our room to a romantic setting apparently I can't wait.
Oli found out Weller was in town and they're sharing a twin room!!

I'm crying right now you don't understand how beautiful the room is (picture is on the side/top of the room)"Caspar, this must have cost you a fortune!" It's really must have "it was worth it for you beautiful" He leaned down and now we are kissing and it still feels like the first time. It's late so we all decided to go to sleep, but me and Caspar are going no to be doing anything but that!

3rd Person PoV:
Caspar grabs Joe by the waist and their bodies collide together causing them both to moan loudly. Joe presses his lips to Caspar hungrily as if without tasting the South African at that moment would be the end of the world! Caspar moves Joe to the bed without breaking the heated kiss and they fall into the deluxe mattress, Joe underneath Caspar. Caspar breaks the kiss only to slowly remove Joes t-shirt, throwing it in any direction. Caspar runs his hands down Joes Torso and v line, whispering after every little kiss he leaves down Joes body "beautiful, perfect, all mine" As Caspar reaches for Joes jeans he pulls them down in one fluent motion! Caspar goes down to Joes boxers and is about to take them off too when Joe halts Caspar "Your turn" and he undresses Caspar admiring his perfect body. They are both left in their boxers staring at each other, eyes full of lust and love! Caspar pushes Joe gently flat on the bed and slowly trails his hand inside Joes boxers and grabs his rock hard length and starts teasingly, slowly rubbing it up and down. "Fuck mmmm...Casp-" Caspar retracts his hand and whispers to Joe "take them off baby" in a husky tone as he leaves the bed and over to their suitcase. Caspar returns with lube and a condom only to find Joe laying down pumping himself moaning Caspar name "fuck! Joe your so hot, so beautiful" "hmmmmm Caspar" The South African removes his own boxers whilst crawling up the bed and trapping Joes hands above his head sucking at his neck. "Shit Caspar-I I love yohhhhh GOD!" Joes screams as Caspar inserts one of his long, slender fingers inside Joe. "God so tight baby,don't wanna hurt you darling tell me when I can add another yeah?" After a few minutes of Joe adjusting to Caspar he needs more "More Casp please 3 I need 3 pleaseeeee!" And so Caspar pleases his boyfriend and adds 3 fingers inside him. "OH GOD CASPAR YES RIGHT THERE FUCK!" Caspar brushes over Joes prostate and wants the reaction again, with every curl of his finger Joe screams out in pleasure. "Caspar I'm ready, please I need you" as Caspar pulls out and goes to rip open the condom, Joe halts him "No, no condom tonight, I really want to feel my fiancé." and Caspar obeys his baby "Sure? It'll hurt more baby" "don't care. I need you Capsar!
Caspar slowly pushes in Joe and tries not to hurt him. "CasparFUCK, yeasssss" "so tight Joe, fuck yes baby so good!" Caspar picks up the pace and slides in and out of Joe! "YEEEASS CASPAR, FUCK ME YESSSS, fuck me so hard baby, destroy me Caspar!" And with that Caspar lets loose and pounds into Joe so hard the bed is shaking and Joe is screaming in pleasure, clutching Caspar like he is his lifeline "YEAHHH CASPAR RIGHT THERE FUCK IM GUNNA CUM CASP, make me come! " He ends in a whisper "me too baby, let go Joe" and with that Joe releases all over him and Caspar, screaming Caspars name "CASPARRRRRRR YESSSS GODD FUCK" Followed by Caspar who is cuming deep inside Joe and slowing down his thrust until they come to a stop and he pulls out.
After Caspar had cleaned up he returns to bed as Joe cuddles up to him. "Best time ever...fiancé, I love you so much Joe"
"I love you too Caspar"


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