Chapter One: Aftermath

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Hunter walked through the ship, encountering a relieved looking Omega and a sincere Echo. He knew what they had been talking about, since eavesdropping on them whilst piloting the ship through their escape. He had to admit that he was somewhat relieved himself, not only because of Echo and Omega's understanding, but the fact that they were able to get out of this mission alive.

The mission that they had failed.

"Thanks for the save back there, Sarge" Said Echo, noticing Hunter. "We may not have made it out of there if you hadn't arrived when you did." Hunter smiled, pleased with the praise that he was recieving from his crewmate. His smile didn't last long however, since Echo decided to continue, snarky as always; "Course, it would have been nice if you had come a little sooner, but eh, I'll take what I can get." Hunter rolled his eyes at the remark. "You should be glad that you're still alive. Like you said, you might not have made it if it weren't for my impeccable timing." Echo's expression was sour in response, and Omega couldn't help but giggle looking at it. Echo looked at her in disbelief, deciding first and foremost that he would have the last word. "I can't give you and Wrecker all the credit, Sarge," he continued "Omega here took down some of the other clones, and if it weren't for Tech-" he cut himself short, the smug expression gone.

Hunter noticed. But before he could even attempt to ask what was wrong, Echo rushed out, leaving a dazed Hunter behind with an equally concerned looking Omega. "What was that all about?" He asked, turning to the 'younger' clone. "Oh, yeah... about the mission..." she trailed off, suddenly seeming nervous. Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Go on"
"Well," Omega said "when we were," she gave a small cough, clearing her throat; "crash-landing the crate, Tech..." she trailed off once again, reluctant to tell Hunter, knowing what his reaction was going to be, and not wanting to suffer the blunt end of it. Hunter, on the other hand, was becoming impatient. "Omega," he prompted firmly, "what happened?" She took a deep breath, preparing herself. "Tech's leg may have been caught under 150 kilograms of pressure while we were crashing, which may have lead to a less than ideal femoral fracture."

Hunter was stunned into silence, as he tried to process this new information. It didn't take long. "He WHAT?!" Was the only response he could think of, before rushing out in a similar fashion to how Echo did previously, Omega following suit. However while Echo was able to move easily from one space to another, Hunter timed his movements perfectly so that he would crash into a mobile Wrecker, who was trying to find a place for his newly constructed cannon on the already cluttered ship. Hunter made heavy contact with Wrecker and was sent flying backwards, landing with a thud on the floor, narrowly missing Omega.

"Oh man, sorry sarge." Said Wrecker, putting down his cannon and helping Hunter up, before swiftly picking the weapon back up again and holding it protectively, as though he was worried that someone might try and steal it from him. "It's fine, Wrecker." Gritted out a now very agitated Hunter. Omega cringed at his tone, despite anticipating this reaction. "What's all the hurry for anyway? I didn't hear any blaster fire from any gunships. We aren't under attack, are we?" Wrecker asked, a quizzical expression on his face. "No, nothing like that. Tech just broke his leg on the mission, and I'm about to give him hell for it!" He half spoke-half yelled, before pushing past Wrecker and moving swiftly towards the one bed within The Havoc Maurauder. Wrecker looked to Omega for an explanation, only recieving a sheepish grin and a shrug, before she too pushed past him and moved to where Hunter was now pacing back and forth, berating Tech for 'not telling him the moment it happened, or at least when they got on the ship!' Behind him sat a deflated looking Echo, who was crouched down, jabbing a stim canister into Tech's leg. Tech himself was propped up on a crate that sat next to the bed, tuning out anything Hunter was telling him, instead choosing to observe Echo and make sure that he didn't make any mistakes while tending to his leg.

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