wanna come over?

33 0 0

It was 2:47 in the morning. Eli lay flat against his bed, bored out of his mind. He was supposed to be asleep hours ago, but his parents weren't home, and no one was there to tell him otherwise. He has spent the last four hours scrolling mindlessly on his phone.

He turned off his phone, dropping it on the sheets next to him, thinking of something to do. He could work on homework, study, or raid the kitchen, looking for something to eat. Or, he could have Klitz sneak over to hang out. But what would they ever do? Eli looked around the room, attempting to scrape up even one fun idea. He spotted his backpack, and suddenly he remembered what he had bought.

Eli was a good kid. He got good grades and stayed out of trouble, but that was the problem. Because Eli never tried anything new. He hadn't experienced anything crazy or cool. Despite being a senior in high school, he only had two friends and had never had a real girlfriend or even touched a girl like that.

Honestly, Eli was tired of being a loser. He wanted to become more rebellious! So obviously, Eli talked to the only stoner he knew and bought weed from them. The kid knew Eli was new to this and convinced Eli to buy edibles instead.

Even though this was a big moment for Eli, he was shocked that he had forgotten about them. He jumped out of bed, crouching next to the bag. He rummaged through the mess of papers and pulled out the baggy.

Inside, there were two large brownies.

"Oh hell yeah," he quietly cheered, "Oh my god! Kiltz would totally want to try this with me!" he said. So he sat down on the floor and began texting Klitz.

Eli: Klitz

Eli: Klitzy




Klitz: dude what.

Klitz: it's like 3 in the morning, what do you want???

Eli: I talked to Jamie

Klitz: cool?

Eli: and I may have bought edibles from him

Eli: and my parents aren't home sooooo yk

Eli: wanna come over?

Eli's stomach flipped at the idea of him and Klitz being home alone together. He and Klitz had been best friends since the sixth grade. They had spent the night at each other house many times, so it was not weird. But recently, Eli was more obsessed with Klitz. He was constantly thinking about him. When they walked down the halls together, their hands would accidentally touch. His heart would race. Normally he would have yanked his hand away and called Klitz a fag. Eli had developed a little crush on Kiltz.

Klitz: I'm pretty sure my moms are asleep, should I come over now?

Eli: yeah ofc

Eli: just knock on my window when you get here

Eli: cuz there is a camera on the back door now

Klitz: omg ok

Eli smiled at his phone, happy that he was able to experience something new with his best friend. He looked around his room and noticed how messy it was, so he got up to clean it. He didn't do much cleaning. It was more tidying up than anything, moving the pile of clothes on the floor into his laundry basket. He also changed his shirt and fixed his hair, trying to look somewhat presentable for Klitz. He sat down on his bed, waiting for Klitz to knock on his window.

knock knock knock

Eli sat up from the bed and ran to the window, yanking it open. "Hey, man!" Eli said, pulling Klitz through the window. "hey!" Klitz replied. The two stood there awkwardly, not knowing where to start. Silently Eli looked at Klitz, admiring his hair, his glasses, and how his shirt hung loosely around his collarbones. A cold gust of wind blew through the still-open window, forcing Eli out of his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, you can sit down," Eli said awkwardly, motioning to his bed and stumbling over his words. Klitz stepped past Eli and sat down on his bed as Eli shut the window. He grabbed the baggie and sat down with Klitz. He opened the baggie and pulled out a brownie, handing it to Klitz and taking the other one.

"Cheers!" Eli smiled, clinking the brownies together. Klitz smiled back. At the same time, they both took a bite. They look at each other, making a face of confusion and disgust.

"They taste weird," Klitz says. Eli nodded and said, "Yeah, he did say they were strong." Together they choked down the strange taste and finished the brownies. Eli moves so that he can lean back against the wall and Klitz does the same.

"Jamie said they take forever to start working, but the high lasts a long time," Eli said, looking over at Klitz.

"Mkay, should we on a movie?" Kiltz responded

"Sure!" Eli accepted

They turned on a movie and leaned back, waiting for the high to set in.

About thirty minutes into the movie, it felt like his body was buzzing. It was weird. It felt kinda good. He felt relaxed and almost as if he was melting. He looked over at Klitz, who just stared at the tv screen. He looked relaxed too. He didn't know how long he was staring at Klitz, but when Klitz finally looked over at him, they both began to laugh. It started with soft laughter, turned into loud belly laughing, and ended with obnoxious giggling. Clearing it was now working for both of them.

Klitz sighed, still laughing a little, and said, "oh my god! This is so crazy," When Eli didn't respond, Klitz turned his head to look at Eli. There he found Eli staring directly at him. Eli's face flushed, his eyes red, and his pupils blown. He inhaled shakily, looked down at Klitz's lips and back up to his eyes, and said softly, "I really want to kiss you,"

Klitz stared at Eli. He was a little shocked but mostly just out of it. So without a second thought, Klitz placed a hand on the side of the other boy's head and pulled him in for a quick kiss. The kiss was short and awkward, as Klitz was the only one kissing and Eli just sat there completely shocked. Klitz pulled away slightly, only a few inches away from Eli's face, waiting for Eli's reaction.

Eli smiled and leaned back in, actually kissing Klitz back this time. He had wanted this for a long time.

He wanted his best friend to hold him and kiss him.

He wanted him so badly.

He wanted more.

Eli kissed Klitz hungrily, lacing his arms around Klitz's neck and pulling him closer. As they kissed, Klitz tilted his head to get a better angle and that was when it started to get better. Like a puzzle piece, they fit together perfectly, as if they were meant for each other.

Eli leaned back, pulling Klitz down with him. He didn't break the kiss. This new position was much better, with Eli on his back and Klitz sitting between his legs, kneeling over him.

"Fuck, Eli," Klitz whispered between kisses. Eli couldn't help but sigh happily into the kiss.

"Klitzy, you can touch me," Eli said, pulling out of the kiss and continuing, "Please Klitzy?" His voice was bold and desperate. Klitz didn't respond but kissed Eli instead, the dark-haired boy whining into the kiss. Klitz slowly ran his hand down Eli's chest and waist, where he gripped Eli's waist possessively. The two kissed sloppily for a few more minutes, before Eli pushed Klitz off and said, "Oh my god, Klitzy. It's so fucking hot in here" Klitz got off Eli, rolling over next to him, their shoulders touching.

They look over at each other. Eli's face was flushed and his lips were shined and swollen. And fuck that was a sight to see. They sat there in silence. The movie had ended a while ago.

"Jesus, it's almost 5:30," Eli said, leaning over in the opposite direction, he turned back.

"Oh my god really?" Klitz said, shocked.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted," Eli said, the sleepiness showing in his voice.

"Then go to sleep," Klitz said, pulling a blanket up from the other end of the bed. Eli shrugged his shoulders "We could cuddle." He continued. Instantly, Eli grabbed the blanket from him and moved Klitz's arm so that he could get comfortable.

The two boys soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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