chapter 5

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hottest men alive

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hottest men alive

fun fact: dolphins sleep with
one eye open

bells 🔔
what is up with you and fun facts

avery berry 🫐

bells 🔔 gavi get your woman

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bells 🔔
gavi get your woman

gavi nete

enzo benzo
couldn't we just try to find her on
google or something

pedrito 🗿

enzo benzo
shes 18
from guatemala
lives in america
plays fútbol
name is avery

gavi nete
youre a genius
we could definitely try and
find something

bald 👨‍🦲
shouldn't we just wait for her to tell us

avery berry 🫐
please don't go stalking on google
that is very creepy
and cancel the playing fútbol part
i don't play professionally

REAL julianito
how do we feel about the world cup
final in 4 days 😁😁😁

avery berry 🫐
if you guys lose i'm actually going
to murder you guys

enzo benzo
we're winning for messi 🙏

fuck france

pedrito 🗿
you're just butthurt that they
eliminated you

bells 🔔
morocco eliminated you guys
and no one feels sorry for you guys because
they made history

out of all - pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now