Chapter 1

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AUTHORS NOTE BEFORE I BEGIN: We were required to write a short story for our English/Literature class. It had to be mystery and it had to be short. This story is already finished and chapters are not very long, but I thought I would split it up rather than just one chapter. Hope you enjoy!

It all seemed to happen in a blur. Percy and Lily Fellows, twins, were enjoying a sleepover with Lily's best friend, Jessie Lewis. At the young age of eight, the kids didn't have a care in the world. They spent the night laughing and screaming, playing games and watching movies, until the twins' aunt and caretaker, Hannah Fellows, came into the room. She unrolled sleeping bags, fluffed pillows, and checked the closet for any potential "monsters." Shutting off the light with a soft smile, Hannah left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

Lily and Jessie, side by side, were fast asleep in seconds. Percy lay awake in his sleeping bag. The room was much too quiet to sleep. He crossed to the window and opened it, flooding the room with cool spring air.The trees whispered in the soft breeze that fluttered the pale blue curtains. Percy crossed back to his sleeping bag. Stepping first over Lily, then Jessie. He clambered into his makeshift bed and fell fast asleep.

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