Chaser and the Legend, Reexamined

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From his aerial position above the forests that surrounded the area once known as Pokélantis, Goh saw that the jet that Lawrence had flown had cut a terrible looking gash into the land itself, on top of all of the felled trees and panicked Pokémon. He was thankful that it seemed so quiet before they headed into the ruins, now. Hopefully the wild Pokémon in the area had given the whole forest a wide berth and had spread the word, so that none of their friends or companions would have been injured in the crash.

The jet, now containing no passengers and having a huge gash in the top from Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam, had come to a stop, having run out of propulsion from digging through the ground and crashing into the trees.

Looking back in the direction the jet had flown from, Goh saw that the cloud of Porygon that Lawrence had somehow sicced on them had vanished, much like the man himself had. And much like he felt when Lawrence had disappeared, Goh couldn't shake the sense of dread that was building within him.

Lawrence had more than enough time to escape the crash, though the method of his conveyance wasn't something Goh knew. But as surely as he vanished himself, so too was Goh confident that the Porygon had left with their master.

The only question was to where?

A lot had happened, and happened quickly, in the last few hours.

In the depths of the ruins, Lawrence had mentioned something about finding the true treasure of the god of Pokélantis, and that he needed the plate and the strange stone they had found in the tomb to locate it.

He had then later mentioned, on the jet, that this treasure was the very weapon Mew had wielded to destroy the kingdom. Goh shuddered at the thought. A destructive force that could level an entire nation...

No one should have that kind of power, he thought. Not a Pokémon, nor a human, nor even a god.

Yet with Lawrence's escape, all their clues ran cold. He had taken the objects that they arrived to search for; the next clues in their chase to uncover the mystery of the god of the temple.

Though... did Lawrence not give them that answer himself? The identity of the God who would descend at the end of the rainbow?

Goh formed the word breathlessly with his own lips.


"I'm going down there."

Ash and Chloe turned to look at him from the backs of their own flying Pokémon.

"Why? Don't you think it'll be dangerous?" Chloe asked, her worry obvious.

Ash frowned. "Maybe Chloe's right, but still..."

He and Ash were on the same wavelength. The danger that might be present in the ship was irrelevant to Goh's logic. In fact, it might be more dangerous not to investigate it.

Goh looked over to his girlfriend, her green eyes glittering in the setting sunlight. "If what Lawrence said is true - and we have no reason to doubt that it is - then he's on his way to find something incredibly dangerous. We have to go down there and find out anything we can that can lead us in the right direction so that we can find out where he's headed."

Ash nodded confidently. "Right! And when we get there, we'll stop 'im!"




The three Pokémon all cheered from their positions on Ash and Goh's shoulders as well as from Chloe's lap.

The girl sighed. "I guess I'm outvoted... but can we at least be a little careful?"

"We'll take it easy," Goh said. "Now come on!"

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