Chapter: 1 - My Best Friends...

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I put my hair in a high pony, Grabbed my book bag and zoomed out the door.

The entire drive to school I was thinking "I can't be late"

But guess what I was.... Yep that's pretty much my life.

But on a much brighter note my two best friends where there waiting for me to arrive,

"Hey" I said as I walked up to them

Alesha was the tall model like one with long brown hair and bright pink lipstick

Karla was the weird and goofy one she is really short (not midget size though) she always wears sneakers...

"Hey Kim!" Alesha said waving her hand in the air like a wild monkey but hey, At least she's happy to see me.

"Hey girl how's life" said Karla following after Alesha

.. Even though I don't have many friends it's nice to know you at least have two best friends who care deeply about you and support you no matter what...

"Hey my lovely ladies looking cute as usual gone head wit y'all bad self"

Karla and Alesha both laughed at my comment

"So tell me did you work things out with you Mikhyi?"

Mikhyi used to be my on and off boyfriend, We ended our relationship when someone told me they saw him making out with some girl at one of their friends party.

I confronted him about it and he didn't have the balls to admit it to my face but that dumb motherfucker had the nerve to tell me on iMessage after that me and him where OVER!......

"Come on you guys you know me and him are over, And every time you mention his name I get nausea just thinking about that whole experience...

"And on the other hand I have to find where my homeroom is at so, If you don't mind I would like to get to doing that.."

They both looked at me with puzzled expressions

"Sorry for bringing it up Kim get a grip!"

"I HAVE TO GO!" I said in reply to Karla

After Karla just screamed at me, It took me a lot patients from being 2.5 seconds from punching her in the face....

And also I didn't wanted to get suspended on my first day back.....

Being the bigger person I took one mean glare at her....

Then walked away....

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