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"Kaleesi, wake up" I hear Lo'ak as he shakes me trying to get me to open my eyes

"What is it Lo'ak?" I grumble getting irritated

"We're going to the battle field and Kiri wanted to know if you'd come with us?"

My eyes open and the mention of the battle field and I sit up looking at Lo'ak who seems to be growing impatient.

"I know you'll go with or without me so it's probably best I come along but I want you all to stay where I can see you." I inform Lo'ak who just nods in agreement as he leads us both out of my tent and towards the rest of the group

As I look around I notice Spider who's talking to Kiri
As always

But then I see Tuk which made my heart stop for a quick second

"Why is Tuk coming?" I nudge Lo'ak as we're all walking out of the caves and into the forest

"Because she's such a cry baby, she's all 'I'm telling, you're not supposed to go to the battle field. I'll tell mum if you don't let me come." Lo'ak mocks Tuk loud enough for everyone to hear

"Leave her alone." Kiri interrupts before I could tell Lo'ak off my self so in return I give her a sweet smile as a thank you

Once we'd all got deeper into the forest I began to feel a little anxious but if Neteyam were here I would feel much better.

Well he's not and you're the oldest Kaleesi so you need to keep focused

As Lo'ak, Spider, Tuk and I climb a branch towards a giant aircraft that has become overgrown with trees and nature I notice Kiri wondering off but not too far as I realise she's just laying down.

"This is so cool!" Spider exclaims as he tries to get a closer look but since he's a human he can't see over the giant branches

"Are there any dead bodies in there?" Tuk shouts up to Lo'ak as he climbs up to the aircraft and takes a look inside

"Lo'ak it's taken us all day to get here and you know we need to get back before the eclipse, we should probably go," I say in hopes that everyone will just do as I say

"Okay, okay mum we'll go home now." Lo'ak responds as he carefully climbs off the aircraft and comes back to Spider, Tuk and I.

"Thank you." I bluntly respond while rolling my eyes at his over dramatic ass

"Hey Spider, can you go get Kiri she's over there?" I ask as I point into the direction that I saw her earlier

Spider instantly nods as he walks off into the direction

"I think he likes her," Tuk whispers as I feel her little hand grab mine

"I think so too," I whisper back as we both look at Kiri and Spider walking our way

"Okay everyone here? Good, let's go." Lo'ak announces while walking off in front of everyone

As we're all walking through the forest Tuk let's go off my hand and wonders off to Kiri's side which made me loose focus as I then began to look at my surroundings

A couple seconds later I stop walking as I notice a giant footprint in the dirt that I could guarantee didn't belong to any of us

"Lo'ak. Come look at this,"

"What is it?" Lo'ak walks back to me and looks down at the ground to see the footprints

"That's way too big for a humans" He states which only causes me to grow more anxious

"Could it be an Avatars?" Spider interjects as everyone crowds around the mysterious marks in the dirt

"It could be," I say as I notice the sheer size of the print
But why would an Avatar be out here?

Mighty Warrior                                            {Neteyam Sully FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now