Bed of flowers

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"Trying to scare tf out of me"
Yang P.o.v
I woke up of a bed of flowers, being as I am, I decided to change forms, so I would look "normal". I check my inventory, seeing as all of my items, and loot are in there rightful place, I close my inventory, and begin walking.

I see a purple doorframe, with a weird symbol on it, oh your probably wondering how I got here, well uhh, it'll be when Author-kun has an idea (R.I.P fourth wall)
I just walk ignoring the talking flower trying to have a physical conversation with me, until he grabs me.
"HEY I'M TALKING TO YOU!" He says loudly.
"Oh you were talking, well I couldn't hear you, I turned of sound." I say not giving a fu[nk]
"You want a tutorial or not?" He asks annoyed
"No, I'll be fine, but you could show me the basics." I say while pulling out a baked potato.... and eating it

"Uhh ok, Anyways I'm Flowery, Flowery the Flower." Flowery says putting his act on
As I'm actively guessing his thoughts, a floating heart comes out of my head, "Now that's a weird place to put a soul, Your soul is the very thing that's keeping you alive." He says
"Your soul starts of weak but can get stronger with LOVE, here I'll share some with you." He says whole trying to attack me with small seeds in the shape of bullets.
I dodge them, it seems like he's trying to kill me, might aswell taunt him.
"Ya missed bi[rd]." I say while sticking my tongue out
That seemed to work, and he's trying to shoot me... again.
I dodged again.

He seems to be more aggressive, welp it's time for me to leave, CUE TIME SKIP!

●~°-Timeskip brought to by chibi Yang eating a baked potato-°~●

As I was walking around I see a goat lady, she seems sad, time to be a sneaky boi.

Then I tiptoed into her house then went into the basement, don't ask me how I got through all of those traps.

ok bye

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