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HOUSE PARTY 📍-i woke up naked, with clothes scattered around the floor, not to mention i didn't even know who's room i was in

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i woke up naked, with clothes scattered around the floor, not to mention i didn't even know who's room i was in

i turn to my side to see ethan naked, next to me.

i scrunch my eyebrows in confusion

i rush off the bed, causing it to shake which woke up ethan

he slowly opens his eyes as i quickly put my clothed back on, running out the door

he puts on his clothes as well running after me,
"wait brit-" he says as i continue to run home

i stop in my tracks, "what! what do you want ethan!" turning to look back at him

"this clearly was meant to be and i-" he says before i cut him off

"no ethan don't do this not right now!" i shout at him turning back around walking back home

he doesn't even bother to follow, good i didn't want him to


"there's no way!!" nicole says jumping around my bed then getting on my bed jumping on it

"ik i can't believe it either" i say banging my head on my desk

she looks at me smiling "isn't this amazing! i mean are you guys getting back together?" she asks

i instantly shake my head fast

"no! it's not amazing at all, and this doesn't mean were getting back together!" i say slightly shouting at the madness

she shrugs her eyebrows looking confused

"look, what happend last night was an accident, we were both drunk and i don't forgive him at all!" i finish

she just satres at me, she believes that me and ethan are "soulmates" i mean i did to but not anymore.

not after what he did

"mija! theres someone here to see youu!!" my mom shouts sounding excited

me and nicole stare at eachother before getting up running downstairs

"papi?!" i say running giving him a hug

"hey gummy bear" he says picking me up to hug me, he puts me down

"wait, why are you here!" i say still in excitment

"well me and your mom wanted to suprise you"
he says as he walks over to take off his jacket and shoes, as he looks around

"i see you both redecorated" as he looks back at me and my mom

you see my mom and dad divorced a couples months back, and after he moved out i didn't get to see him as much anymore, due to him having to go on work trips

me and my mom look at eachother and smile

he walks back over putting his arm around me

"so i was wondering if i could take brittany out with me" he says looking at my mom

"okay, and where to?" she says raising her eyebrows

"just out to eat" he says smirking

"i guess thats fine, but make sure she back before 11!" she says as me and my dad walk out to leave


"okay well i guess where here" he says as he turns the car off and we both get out

we walk im, eat, then we pay and leave

as we walk out, we see ethan

the thing is, i never told my dad that me and ethan had already broke up, so due to that he calls him over, and i look down sighing

ethan walks over slowly kind of confused because i did tell him that me and him where still together, and know i see why i was so stupid for that

"hey mr perez" ethan says as he shakes my dads hand

it was so akward

"how have you been treating my daughter?" my dad says as he wiggles his eyebrows

"uh-" he starts

"okay dad i think its time for us to go its getting pretty late and-" i say

"late? it only 9, now how about ethan comes over and hangs with us, get to know him a bit better" he says as he look back and forth between us two

i just look down

"mr perez i-"

"nonsense i haven't seen you both together in a while, im sure you wouldn't mind coming over right?" he asks him

ethan was always scared of my dad and due to that, he said yes, this was going to be fun.


"so how have you two been?" my dad says

my mom walks down and looks at all three of us confusedly, my mom knew me and ethan broke up and she knew that i had hated him

"oh ethan what are you doing here-"

"well me and both of them are just catching" my dad cuts her off as he smiles and looks back at me and ethan

me and ethan were very seperated, but still a tad bit close just to not throw my dad off

my mom looks at me and ethan than walks back upstairs, saying something under her breath but none of us heard it

all three of us sit in an akward silence before my dad and ethan start talking

after a little while it was getting late so ethan was getting ready to leave

"are you sure you don't want me to drive you home? i pass by your street anyway" my dad says as he puts on his coat

"no thank you mr perez im good tho" he says as my dad comes over giving me a hug and kissing my forehead

"bye gummy bear" he says

"bye dad" i say as i watch him leavd

"what was tonight about?" ethan asks looking at me

"look i still haven't told my dad that me and you broke up, it would crush him to much he really liked you" i say looking down

"and last night-" he says

"no! we don't talk about last night or tonight! they were both accidents," i cut him off

"but last night, i mean we were both into it," he says as he walks a little closer to me

i push him back

"ethan!, we were both drunk and it was stupid, it never should have happend alright, and i plan on telling my dad that we broke up tommorow" i say looking up at him to see how hurt he was, but i didn't care because now he knows how it feels.

"but brit, i know that you wanna be with me, and last night, i mean cmon i love you alright? and i know that you still feel the same about me and i wanna make it up to you!" i just laugh

"how many times do i have to tell you! your always saying you wanna do this and you wanna do that but you aren't showing it! and until then i don't wanna speak to you." i say walking over to the door and open it standing by it waiting for him to leave

he looks at me before walking out.

hellooo guys im lowkey starting to like this book but anyways i think in a couple of chapters brittany will forgive ethan/notti🤷🏽‍♀️

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