cookies✰ /nick

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I was the triplets' neighbor. I've always gotten along with them. Nick was indeed my favorite triplet, he always found the way to make me laugh even if I had a bad day. He is the funniest and smartest guy that i know.

We became best friends easily and we had a lot of sleepovers throughout our life, at my house or his, it didn't matter, we see each other literally every. single. day.


I was at Nick's house a little bored. Matt and Chris weren't around.

We were in his room, laying on his bed watching tiktoks while a movie was playing on the TV. But it got boring since we were doing it all day (that was a little sus but u get what im saying😭)

"Hey Y/n i'm bored. I know something funnier that we could do" he said smirking.

I rolled on the bed "What?" I replied.

"COOKIES" he said making a weird deep voice.


"Bitch then why didn't you ask me for food😭" he said chuckling.

"Idk leave me alone" I said looking away.

"Ok. Whatever, get tf up!!!!"

We ran downstairs and went to the kitchen to grab all the ingredients (my ingredients hHahHahhaHAHAA👺👺👹👹)

After preparing everything to make the cookies nick looked at you with a mischievious grin.

"What if... we make them blindfolded?" he said chuckling.

"Uh... no. no no no. That's a bad idea"

The next thing I know, I had a bandana covering my eyes.

"Jeez... i can't believe i let you do it" I said regretting.

"Don't worry!!! they'll be delicious i promise" he said trying to reach my arm.

"Is not the taste that i'm worried about... we are going to make a mess... and probably burn something."

"Wait" I said to Nick realizing a small detail.

"What's up?"

"How the fuck are we going to read the recipe if we can't see? You idiot" Nick rolled his eyes at this.

"We'll ask Siri to read us the recipe, duh"

"Oh..." I was surprised at how easily my friend found a solution.

We looked up the recipe before we started and Nick preheated the oven as the recipe said, since doing it blindfolded was going to be too much.

(first of all i want to clarify that i don't have the slightest idea how Siri works, i'm poor and i have Samsung lol)

"Hey Siri! Read the recipe please" I heard Nick yelling to the voice assistant.

Siri began to speak the steps:

"Take a container and mix the butter with the sugar to start making the cookies"

"Ok, so we gotta find the bowl" Nick said.

Without having any idea of what
we were doing, trying to find the empty bowl, and even though I remembered where you put it, it was very difficult for both.

"I found it!" I said excited.

"Alright, now the butter and sugar. Omg this is going to take us like twenty hours" Nick said a little stressed.

"I told you"

After laying the eggs, adding the flour and before sifting it, put the chocolate chips, almost the last step.

The most difficult of all was putting the dough on the glass pan.

"Stop, we have to do it right or they will all stick" as soon as Nick finished saying that, I heard a sound of footsteps in the dining room.

"Nick is that you? Who's there?"

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard Matt's voice near the door laughing at how ridiculous we both looked.

We took off our blindfolds and looked shamefacedly at Matt, as if he'd caught us doing something we shouldn't. Then I looked around and saw the mess you made in the kitchen and on my clothes, and you started laughing.

"We should clean this up" Nick spoke.

"Yes, you better do" Matt said.

"Shut up or you won't eat cookies" I told him as a joke.

"Oh no sorry I'm leaving" he said sarcastically.

Matt left and I started to put the dough in the pan and then put the cookies in the oven, while Nick cleaned everything up.

After a few minutes I took them out of the oven and waited for them to cool down so we could eat them without burning yourself.

They weren't the best cookies in the world, they lacked sugar and had lumps of flour, but I have to admit that it was a good idea to do it blindfolded, it was one of the most fun things I did with my best friend.


honestly, i think i would be the one with the idea, no nick, but i thought it was very cute.

if there's a guy reading this, announce your presence here------>

i want to know this bc i would like to write a romantic one about nick for the boys!!!

vote if you want to be friends with nick like me. ily💗💟💓💌❤️‍🩹💘💖❤️‍🔥💞💕

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