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Their new year Hogwarts letters arrived the next morning

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Their new year Hogwarts letters arrived the next morning. Gwen was delighted to see that in her one, along with her list of new supplies for the school year, a permission form for Hogsmeade had arrived too. Her father signed it when she took it to his office, barely even sparing her a glance as he turned back to the letter he was writing and asked her to get the elves to send up some pumpkin juice and a sandwich. Since the escape of Sirius Black, he had been laboured which much more work than usual, and on the few days off that he had from the Department of Mysteries, he spent it locked up in his study, probably aiding in reading through the recorded sightings of Sirius Black and evaluating their legitimacy for the Ministry.

Orion returned a couple days later with a quickly scribbled 'thank you' note from Harry. When they'd finished their second year, he had given her, Ron and Hermione a number to ring on a telephone. Gwen barely even knew what they were, and knew she wouldn never have access to one as her parents would never be caught dead with Muggle devices in their home. Even if she'd managed to get hold of one and learnt how to use it, she wouldn't be able to speak to Harry with it; earlier on in the summer, Ron had sent her a letter warning her not to try and ring Harry, as he'd accidentally angered his Muggle uncle when he'd tried - and presumably failed - to use it correctly. Harry's family also wouldn't let him send letters to his friends either, which Gwen thought to be cruel, but she knew Harry would simply shrug off. She was grateful for his note though, and couldn't help the grin that tugged at her lips when Orion dropped it in front of her.

Later that same night, Hedwig, Harry's owl, flew through her open bedroom window, a loose piece of parchment clasped between her beak.

Gwen stared at the snowy owl, taken aback for a second, then jumped to her feet, startling Orion who was asleep on his stand on the other side of the room, took the parchment from Hedwig's beak and fed her a small handful of seeds from Orion's food bowl.

She sat on the end of her bed to read the note.

Dear Gwen,

First, I want to say an actual thank you for the Handbook. It was the only thing that got me through dinner when my uncle's sister came to stay.

It didn't go well... long story short, she ended up floating over Surrey for a couple hours.

I'm staying at the Leaky Cauldron for the rest of summer. Don't worry, I've not been expelled. The Minister for Magic met me here and checked me into a room and basically just said that he was more worried about me wandering around on my own with Sirius Black on the loose.

I'll explain everything properly when I see you, but I wanted to ask if you'd be alright to come stay here too for a bit. Obviously, make sure your parents know this time, I don't want you getting in trouble because of me. But if they're OK with it, it would be great to see you.

Let me know (:


Gwen found herself reading the letter several times. How had his uncle's sister ended up floating over Surrey? What had the Muggles done that caused Harry to react like that? She sincerely hoped nothing terrible had happened. Well, aside from his aunt magically finding herself floating over a whole county.

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