chapter 9

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Sunday morning
It was my blessing day which is going to church.I think that going to church will let katty and jack stop bullying me so I go every Sunday and pray for it to stop.make was suppose to be in church with me this Sunday but she isn't,I guess she is busy baby sitting her next door neighbor son, I was suppose to enter the church my phone rang and of course its makey,hope she is calling to tell me why her mad ass ain't in church with me.
M-"hey girl sorry am not at church with you today I had to follow my mom down to her work place for some business stuff"
K-"oh OK you got away today"
M-"any wayz guess who I saw at the apartment near to my mothers work place?"
M-"yes good guess"
K-"what did you see tell me tell me"
M-"he was at the apartment with a girl surely not katty she was way too pretty"
K-"get to the point"
M-"okk damm they where making love kissing maybe if you see the girl now her neck is full of icke"
K-"did you take any pics?"
M-"of course I couldn't let a image like that pass me"
K-"I want to see them send me send me quickly"
M-"OK I will get your boney ass into church bye"
K-"lol bye love ya"
M-"bye love ya too"
Is this day even real?jack at an apartment making love with a next girl which is not katty this is unbelievable but great.I can't wait too see those pics I'm getting really impatient.I feel like to skip church and go straight home but I was already there so I got to stay.anyways I always dream of this day to come and here it is,so freaking aaaaawwweeessoomme.I got and idea to send katty the pics and mash up her relationship.

Ppl I have being a little busy lately please continue read and enjoy I have a surprise some where in the story just for you

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