Chapter 4

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Lilly soon reached the cabin where Thasik was. The door opened and that's where she found him. She greeted him before entering. Yeyinde wiggled in her arms he wanted to be with his sire. Lilly walked towards Thasik and gently handed Yeyinde over to his father.

Thasik had been tired since there was many things he had to do as an elder but when Lilly walked in with his son he wansnt tired anymore. His tiredness went away. Soon he felt Yeyinde in his arms he couldnt help but purr his son started to chirp.

Lilly smiled at the scene and then she went to sit down. She then suddenly said.

" Thasik do you know of the male that had conspired against you and kidnapped your suckling "

Thasik nodded and then Lilly proceeded to add.

" Today the one revealed himself and he tried to attack both me and Yeyinde so I took action. He is now dead I apologize if I have committed a high crime. "

Thasik only nodded before saying
" You've defended my suckling you have done no wrong the male was a coward to attack and suckling and a female "

Lilly nodded in acknowledgement and decided to stay silent till Thasik said. 

" We are nearing my home planet and when we reach we are to go to the elders. I am one of them I wish to safe you from a fate as a  breeding machine. But for that you have to be marked and have to belong to a male.  "

" What do you advise I do since none of these males seem interested in me and neither am I,I'm only here for Yeyinde even if you left me on earth to die I would have been happy knowing his safe. These elders want me to be their breeding Machine yet they hate my guts "Lilly said as she looked at Thasik she knew of what the outcome would be but she was there for baby not for some old aliens trying to use her body for their own gain. Breast milk is a basic need a baby needs to survive it's first few months of live it protects them from bacteria and is not heavy and it helps them grown bigger stronger.Lilly didn't care what the others though of her they wouldn't say it to her face which shows how she affects them.

Thasik nodded he knew she would have felt something but he could feel she was hiding something underneath that nonchalant attitude. He could see she deeply cared for Yeyinde. He then said. .

" What if I mark you, since I am the most powerful among the elders if I mark you as mine the others won't have the right to stake claim or use you as a breeding stock. The others would have to bow down since you have my scent and mark on you " 

Lily thought about it and then said.
" Rest assured we are only doing this so I can be there for Yeyinde.  I am his chosen mother so ill want to stay by his side till he is old even if I'm far gone by then. "

Lilly knew that this was riskythey were both from different species but they both cared for this suckling they didn't care about themselves. Soon Thasik then said.

" If the scent is to be permanent well have to do the traditional mating ceremony we shall do it in two days  "

He showed no emotion but something inside of him was excited. Lilly not being a woman of much emotions felt shy for the first time. She knew of the ceremony she had read over it a few times. They were to battle and if he won he had the right to mount her. She also knew that they had to do both of their species bonding.

She sighed as she nodded before standing up and walking towards Yeyinde. She placed a kiss on his head and walked out the cabin she had decided to prepare for the ceremony. All the males will be there to witness who would win. Lilly sighed as her door slid open and she entered. She took off her clothes and wore a simple bra and panties set more like a bikini set. She had heard of a pool and decided to go swimming. She also heard you can set the temperature. She wrapped a towel around her body and walked to where she heard the pool was. The door slide open revealing a large pool the water was clear and no one was in there. She walked in and the doot slid shut.

Thasik heard the monitor go off and turned to face the screen to see Lilly in the swimming area.  They had designed that for relaxation. He heard his son chirp and chuckled.  He then saw Lilly drop the towel revealing the thin layer of "clothes" she had on it that covered her breast but her buttocks not so much. He watched how she slowly walked down the steps into the water before diving under and reappearing her hair wet and she slicked it back.  He watched how she smiled in the enjoyment of the water and then he noticed Yeyinde start to whine.

" Suckling do you want to go to your bearer "

Yeyinde shook his head, yes and Thasik stood up from his large chair his large body towered over the desk and it creaked as he walked. He knew he was massive so he wondered how this female would handle him when Yeyinde's mother almost died.

He sighed as he soon reached the door he could smell her.  Her scent was a milky vanilla and honey scent a sweet one. He smelt it everywhere since she came into his office and it was on his suckling which smelt like both of them had more ivory and musk scent. He inhaled deeply and almost clicked his manuals. He felt his son wiggle in his grasp. He sighed as the door slid open to reveal him and his suckling. He walked in slowly catching Lily's attention. She turned to face him her sharp eyes on him and she swam towards him. His eyes never wandered off of her. She put her palms on the edge of the pool and pushed her upper body lifting her lower body out of the water. Now he had a good look at her frame so beautifully. He noticed scars and old head wounds. She was a warrior and he couldn't help but admire her body. As the water droplets slid down her body. Every part of her body. Lilly then asked.

" What brings you here "

" The suckling wanted to meet with you " said Thasik as he placed the suckling in her arms and Lilly took off the little ones diaper which was full anyway and placed him on her hip. 

" Yeyinde do you want to join me for a swim "

Yeyinde purred and moved closer to Lilly. Lilly then turned to Thasik and then said.

" Would you also like to join me and your suckling"

Thasik nodded and then Lilly slowly got into the water but stayed at the hallow side for yeyinde. Thasik took off his lionchloth and his gear. He took off his bio mask revealing his face.  He thought Lilly would be disgusted but she didn't say or show anything hateful. Soon he walked into the pool to where his suckling and his Lilly was.  He stood near them as he watched his suckling giggle and chirp in joy.

Lilly had noticed Thasik but spoke less since she knew that after two days she would be in a way married to this male. She has no bondage on earth anymore. She was alone now she had an adopted son and she'll soon be his legal mother by their law.

The three spend half the time in the pool and when they got out Thasik dried him off and put his chlotes on as for Lilly she wrapped the towel around her body as she walks back to her room with Yeyinde. Thasik went back to his cabin and then he saw the screen light up.  He saw the sleeping quarters were all the men slept and everyone were in their pods.  he checked each and every room and set up the security system and then the last room was Lilly's.

He saw her already changed feeding Yeyinde. His mandrils klicked together in happiness for his suckling.  He saw how his suckling was in a vulnerable state with her he placed all his trust in her yet she didn't betray him or try to hurt him she was gentle and loving.

He sighed as he turned off the monitor. He decided to do some paperwork for he was an Elder and an Elders work is never done. 


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