a new 'freind'?

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Edgar's pov

As the class goes on I can just his gaze on me it felt like it was full of curiosity but I still chose not to look at him in order not to make this any more awkward then a sudden voice interrupted my thoughts

"Luca could you please stop looking at Edgar and focus here?" The teacher spoke with a calm voice yet annoyed I still didn't bother to look at him then I felt that annoying stare stop I sighed feeling more comfortable now

Just for a small crumpled piece of paper to be thrown at me and to make it worst it came from his direction I looked at him with a confused face , he was smiling at me
And gesturing me to open it so I did

'meet me after class' was written "oh you gotta be kidding me.." I mumbled well I guess I'm going to run out of class in order to avoid him

Then the bell rang I got up looked at his direction saw that he was packing so I took opportunity and walked out of class heading to the bathroom I entered and the second I walked away from the bathroom door the door shut and I heard a lock

I looked behind me to see Luca looking at me smirking
"Just why are you avoiding me do you hate me that much " he said while walking towards me "Luca this isn't funny let me out." He looked at me then opened his mouth and said " I want to get to know you Edgar no idea why but I just took a liking of you.."

" Okay and I don't want to know you or for you to know anything about me so move out of the way." I said pissed off " you're acting like you know me.. could you be the one I'm looking for?" He said moving towards me what wait now that I think about it how the fuck did he get here so fast?

" I don't know what you're talking about about but I don't wanna know so move away from the door!" I shove him beside me and approached the door unlocking it leaving that stupid bastard alone in the bathroom

Time skip

It's currently lunch break that Luca fuck kept staring I wanted to yell at him to stop but he wouldn't and it would cause a scene "hey um guys?" Tracy said bringing our attention towards her "yes Tracy?" Said Eli "is it just me or that new guy has been staring at edgar from the moment he came in class?" She said looking worried

"I thought it was just me seeing stuff!" Victor said
Agreeing that's when I decided to say what has been bothering me "hey guys I have something to say.." I said nervously

They all stopped talking and gave their attention to me "yes what's wrong Edgar?" Mike said "woah you seem nervous what happened!!" Tracy said being worried
"That new student I dreamt about him before coming to this school and he was not Human and I saw him today in the mirror behind m-" I got cut while speaking by a hand on my shoulder

" Hey guys can I sit with you?" I look up to see that same person I was talking about "uhm-" the bell rang the second Eli started speaking 'god has finally heard me for once' I thought "awe that's too bad I wanted to get to know y'all" Luca said leaning down to my level because he was standing

I got up "Yes, now if you don't mind we have classes to-" I said but got CUT off again by the same person "ohhh Edgar why are you so  cold with me hmm??" Luca said putting his arm around my neck. okay that's enough he is being too fucking annoying
I pushed his arm off " IAM sure you would have learned about something called personal space or are you that much of an idiot not know that?" I said trying to keep my anger down

"Okay we will be late for class!,cmon guys!!" Tracy said grabbing us all except for Luca heading out of the cafeteria " geez what's his problem with you? Also you had a vision about him and he wasn't human !?" Mike said " okay let's just drop the topic" I said

Time skip

We had chemistry class and yet luck still not being completely on my side I got partnered with that same annoying fuck face so I decided just to get the whole thing over with by doing everything on my own since IAM good at chemistry "hey Edgar?" Luca said " look man IAM very sorry for what I did earlier I have no idea what has gotten into me" Luca said seeming upset

That's what a dumb PERSON would say he doesn't seem sorry to me " you don't seem that sorry to me Mr Luca " I said blankly "b-but IAM!" He said like he was about to cry okay from his last behaviour in that bathroom has is obviously manipulating me but let's not be stupid and show him that we understand his stupid act

" Yeah yeah whatever pretend it never happened but that doesn't mean we are friends"I said "but Edgar I do want to be your friend please.." he said coming closer "personal space if you don't mind." I said coldly "yes, right I'm sorry...." He said quietly
Finally silence.

Luca's pov

It's like he understands my exact motive but wouldn't give in though I tried his on every human and it worked but why isn't it working on him??
My mother said if a human wouldn't give in easily you could be determined to be together and earlier I heard him saying he dreamt about me
I will ask her about it later but I need to be friends with him for now he is be far the most interesting person I have met in this stupid human world

" Look Edgar I just want to be your friend I know I have messed up with you but-" " we could talk but don't consider it anything as close as friends let's just say I will be friendly with you." He said obviously annoyed do I call this a win?

But moving on from that I accidentally dropped a chemical into the wrong tube causing an explosion not a big one but it was entertaining to see everyone scream but I looked behind me to see Edgar a coughing mess for some reason at that moment I felt worry and concern for him then I saw him getting up approaching me while still coughing

He grabbed my arm leading both of us out ' hold on did he just try to help me or 'save me'??'i looked at him puzzled but he soon stopped coughing and asked " are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere" that question warmed something in me I felt my cheeks go red as if I was inlove I want him. Wait what no! He is a human he is mortal I can't!

Then I felt someone rest their hand on my chest then hold my head it was still Edgar and that enough brought me to a blushing mess as he tilts my head to check for injuries since I was the closest to the explosion "god I think you burned your face it's all red!" He said with concern though he himself can hardly stand still " we should Take you to the nurse-" before his legs gave in falling on me for support

' oh my Satan what is this feeling!why am I feeling this for a human!?' I thought as I carried that same Human in a bridal style heading to the nurse office


Luca probably lacked love as a child

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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