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"It was an accident, I swear! I didn't know."

Jordyn couldn't help but roll her eyes at Chase as they left the classroom. Changing seats to sit next to him had turned out to be a grave mistake on her part.

"Why would you say it in the first place?" Jordyn shot back, not looking at the boy who had to slow his steps to match hers.

"I thought you finished it," he said with a slight shrug.

Jordyn scoffed, "Don't you think I would've told you if I was finished?"

"Well, in my defense... it was you who started the conversation on this topic. You started talking about Gary and his mess-ups and shitty personality. I assumed you wanted my opinion!"

"Yeah, I wanted your opinion. Your opinion on Gary's behavior in the cellar. Not your opinion on the ending of the book! How was I supposed to know that you were gonna skip all the way to the end, out of nowhere!"

"Honestly, how was I supposed to know?" Chase said as they turned the last corner and approached their lockers. He silently put his stuff inside while Jordyn took her backpack and laptop out. Closing the locker door and turning to her right, she leaned on the lockers and observed as Chase sorted through his books.

This was the first time Jordyn had noticed how close their lockers were, only separated by two or three others. She wondered how it didn't occur to her sooner but blamed it on her prior disinterest in his person.

As he shut his locker, Jordyn replied to his previous statement, "For claiming to be the smartest man alive you're very stupid. Or just lack common sense. Either way, the title doesn't hold up."

"Har-har," he deadpanned and moved toward the cafeteria, "Just forget what I said."

Jordyn snorted, genuinely amused by his proposition, and entered through the door he was holding open for her. "Chase, I wish I could forget. But forgetting that Gary is the killer in a murder mystery kinda takes away the murder mystery aspect of it. It's not a mystery book anymore, it's just a book!"

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll also read the book you recommended, okay? 'Sacrifice' it was called? About a pageant girl from Canada?" Chase inquired as they both arrived and joined at the table where Adam, Bree and Leo had already met up.

"Mhm, you can do that but I'm never reading another book you've read or are about to read."

Bree looked between the two arrivals and shook her head. "Is there a time when you two don't argue over the dumbest shit?"

"Hey, this time it's not my fault," Joe defended and accepted the pudding Adam slid over.

Leo raised a brow and nodded, "Exactly. This time."

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