Chapter LXV: Positive

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Brena laid unconscious in the Hospital Wing

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Brena laid unconscious in the Hospital Wing. Remus and Peter both standing in there together as loud foot steps thudded outside the hall before Regulus, Sirius and James all forced their way into the room. Eyes landing on their Brena in an instant.

"What the bloody hell happened?!" Sirius snapped as he ran to her bed side. James and Regulus following closely behind him. Sirius snapped his eyes to Peter who was shaking like a screeching mandrake.

"Br-Brena dra-dragged me to the-" Peter kept stammering causing Remus to place his hand on his shoulder calmly.

"Peter and Brena went to the Come and go room to get the fourth horcrux." Remus spoke calmly with a sigh. Peter relaxed under his touch, nodding frantically.

"Th-the diadem." Peter said quickly.

"What's this?" Regulus questioned as his fingers lightly touched the harsh purple and blue bruises that seemed to wrap around her throat. His eyes flickered to Peter like the eyes of a Basilisk. Peter swallowed harshly, pulling at his fingers in nerves.

"Th-the diadem- it made m-me..I di-didn't mean to do it." The speed of Regulus pulling his wand out on the shaking rat of a boy was astounding. Peter's face drained of all color as he jerked back at the wand pressing into his throat.

"Are you insane?! Lower your wands!" A girls voice demanded as another entered the room. Lily Evans rushed in to Peter's side with a glare facing not only Regulus, but James and Sirius as well. Both boys had pulled their wands out in fear that Peter had been lost already.

"He hurt Brena." James told her, his voice even unsure of whether it could even be true.

"Well, hurting him isn't going to take it back, now is it?" Lily glared towards him before looking to Peter. "Now then, tell us what really happened." She demanded of the shaking boy. She walked over to sit on the edge of the bed next to Brena, pushing her hair off her calm face gently.

"Th-the magic the diadem had- it ca-called me... like it kn-knew who I was. I- it was like I bla-blacked out and woke up with my ha-hands around her thr-throat." Peter stammered out. "I-I swear I-I didn't me-mean to-"

"It's alright, Peter. You didn't mean it. The dark magic got to you." Lily explained for him. Peter nodded, a small smile on his face.

"How the bloody hell do you know about the dark magic? You been listening in on our conversations, Evans?" Sirius questioned her. Lily turned her glare on him.

"Well you're not exactly quiet when whispering to Potter about Horcruxs, are you? I swear, it's impossible that none of the deatheaters have heard you two." James and Sirius shared a look, paling a bit in thought. "So... how many are there? How many are left?" She questioned as she looked at the boys. She felt a bit left out, but knew that Brena only trusted a certain lot and she was dating a potential threat. Severus got scrutinized all the time for hanging around the muggleborn.

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