The Introduction

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Toby's POV: "yes slender man?" I asked puzzled as to why slender man wanted me back in the mansion "My oh my its been a long while since I've seen your mask" slender man stated"yea so what?" " listen carefully got that" "yea just spit it out already i have plans" I said with annoyance very clear in my voice "theres this girl they call her sally she died in a car accident but is still roaming the streets we we NEED you to be in this mission" slender man clearly was desperate if he needed me around I know this for a fact because he NEVER would put me on a mission so simple as to finding a new creepypasta he always gave me hard to pass missions that others could do in 1 hour flat which means that this is either a test or hes run out of options... "Why do you 'need' me to be in this mission" i asked hoping for one of the 2 things i think he'd say " well she doesn't want care or assistance and no matter how hard all the others try....shes to powerful for them...and even I couldn't get her on our side" this put me in shock...'could it be that he truly couldn't catch her or is it a test i can't tell when he has no face...if he had a face i'd easily know the difference but he doesn't and i cant rely on his voice when i know hes so good at acting...what can i do?!' "fine ill do this but only so i can leave as quickly as possible got that?!" The truth was i wanted to see if this girl was truly stronger than slender man himself....

Narrators POV:hello im the creator of this story and just so you know i might not post as often as others and i forget to do punctuation and stuff so i apologise but let me explain as to why they haven't talked in a while or well a background check kinda|19 years back slender man and toby got into a big fight and instead of arguing it got physical and of course slender man won without a scratch in sight but toby on the other hand was broken...literary all his bones had snapped or at least had been fractured and some damage was permanent toby decided he would leave and never come back and he swore he would never EVER forgive slender man.| I hope this helped give you a better understanding as to why they dont like each other.

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