Man, Fuck the box!

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Can you guess where I am right now?





No? Well let me tell you, in the afterlife! Isn't that just fucking wonderful!?

Yeah! It's shit, I'm aware!

How did I die? Well, I was walking to work right?

Pfffffft! Yeah, no, like hell I was! Who do you take me for!?

Nah, I was on a bus going downtown to meet up with the bois, when some random old guy pulled a gun out, splattered the driver, then smoked everyone else on the bus, including me!

Yeah! You read that right! Some random ass  geezer pulls a browning high power out of his pants and starts blasting!

So here I am! In a void, sitting in-front of some blob of blue goop, im not even kidding about that, this fucker looks like a God damned slime.

"So, death number 18,925,735,190, for committing casual crimes against humanity, you shall suffer a penitent rebirth" the slime says to me.






"..........exscuse you? Bitch, what crimes?"

"The casual building of chemical weapons in your basement, committing numeral felonies, including assault, verbal assault, and armed battery, as well as tossing cans of tear gas inside of populated subways for, and i quote, "shits and giggles"" the slime says in a monotone voice.

"..........well shit, you ain't wrong"

"The place of rebirth, the 100 universe, Good bye, sinner" it says.

And with that, I'm dropped into the abyss, and awaken to........





"Oh what the fuck" I say, deadpanning as I suddenly find myself looking out a window and into space, a view of earth in the middle of space.

"Oh what the fuck" I say, deadpanning as I suddenly find myself looking out a window and into space, a view of earth in the middle of space

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I take a step back, looking around me, seeing a desolate hallway with no one around. I take a look at myself, and man am I ever so disappointed.

My clothes were kind of ragged, my shoes were some old converse, so that's a plus. Though I am missing half a limb, so that's gonna fuck with me.

I was scrawny, probably around the height of 5'2, so maybe I'm still a child, considering my now smaller, scrawnier frame.

As I look back at the window, I can now some what see my reflection, and I'm mildly surprised that I kinda look like David from edge-runners, if only a tad bit different, seeing as my eyes were crystalline blue for whatever reason. That and I had scarily sharp k-9 teeth, fuckers look like fangs.

But hey, I ain't complaining if I get to pass off as a pretty boy, it just makes my life easier. Though the missing left bicep doesn't help in that regard, but I'm confident In my abilities to make prosthesis', after all, I did that as a job.

Yes, I, the sarcastic jackass of a protagonist works to make other peoples lives better, kinda ironic but hey, it paid well, and that knowledge will come in clutch here.

I walk back from the window, and start walking away, going to explore my new environment, I mean, why not? My dream was always to go to space, so I might as well capitalize on this for as long as I can.

As im walking, I start walking past actual people, men, women, children, hell, even the occasional teenager, though they're rarer than one would expect, but that's mostly because most of them are probably in prison, or the sky box, as these guys call it.

The sky box is apart of the Japanese section of the ship; i think, which is now where all the prisoners are kept, who are all teenagers, because if you're caught committing a crime, and you're 18 and above? Well, your ass is gonna freeze in the void. Which is bull shit mind you, cause guess what? Petty theft 'll cost you your life! Ain't that grand?

As I'm musing about all of this, an adult calls out saying hello.

"Ah hey Oliver, where you heading to?" A man asks, he's around 6 feet tall, has blond hair and blue eyes, and is lightly built up, probably from his job, Ah, wait, isn't this Clarke's dad?

'Also, Oliver huh? I mean, hey, it could've been Kyle' "Ah hey mister griffin, I was just heading to the cafeteria, but I'm kind of lost right now" I say, rubbing my neck with my right hand, acting sheepish.

What? I have to at least act like a kid, don't want people getting suspicious, now do we?

"Ah, I get it, the ark is kinda confusing, look, just follow the yellow line and it'll lead to the cafeteria" He says, pointing to a small yellow line on the floor. Huh, didn't notice that.

"Thanks Mr. Griffin" I say.

"Ah, while your there, do you mind checking on Clarke? She's been in there for a while" he says, sounding a little worried.

'Ugh, If I can, I'm gonna avoid Clarke like the plague' "sure, Mr. Griffin, I'll do that" I say.

"Alright, thanks Oliver!" He says, walking off with a toolbox in hand, probably to go fix something.

I continue down the hallway, this time I was following the line. There were several others, one blue, one red, one green, a white one, a black one, and a black and yellow one, I can only assume they lead to the other sections of the ark, neat.

I continue to follow the line until I'm in front of two sliding metal doors, which automatically open, revealing a busy cafeteria.

I walk inside, and look around before I spot a lunch line. I join it, and eventually grab a trey with a sandwich on it. I look for a table, an low an behold, I see a mini Clarke Griffin alone at a table, doodling with . . . . Is that soot? What the fuck?

Eh, whatever. I walk over to the table, and sit down across from Clarke.

"Hey Clarke"

She looks up from her doodling, and smiles at me, showing that she was missing a tooth.

"Ah hey Oliver! How are you?" She asks.

'Ah you know, just got isekaied as a kid without an arm, the usual'

"Ah, well, I'm fine. I just came by to get some lunch, and to let you know that your dad's worried about you. So, you should probably go check in with him when you finish doodling." I say, and grab the sandwich, and EAT IT!

*ahem*, sorry, I had to.

But man, is this the worst fucking sandwich I've ever had. Shit is way to dry, and the meat tastes like it came off of a rotting corpse, but hey, at least the lettuce is fresh.

"Ah shoot! I forgot the time, I'll see you later Oliver!" Clark says. she grabs her "art", and bolts out of the main door, almost knocking a guy over.

"Heh, kids. *bite* gah, this shits bad"

 "hey there, this is a story that's been sitting in my drafts for like, i dunno, a year? a year and a half? something like that. anyways, enjoy!"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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