los angeles and suprises

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Liked by amynelson, markiplier and 450,000 others

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Liked by amynelson, markiplier and 450,000 others

Saoirseadams_ its moving time! @markiplier @amynelson

markiplier, can't wait to be able to hang with you everyday Saoirse!! love you

saoirseadams, @markiplier love you too mark and Amy!!

user1, why do i feel like she has a crush on mark? kind of weird if you ask me

user4, @user1 do you even watch her videos?! they both state they have more of a sister brother bond then anything. Watch her videos before you comment

PewDiePie, WAIT YOU'RE MOVING?! why didn't I get informed where are you going??

saoirseadams, PewDiePie movin in with mark and Amy duh Los Angeles

amynelson, I can't wait!! hurry up and get here xx we got a special Suprise for you.

saoirseadams, amynelson damn now I'm intrigued.


"Hey Ames, i just got off the plane are you guys here yet?!" she asked Amy over the phone looking around to see if she could spot them "look behind you" Amy replied hanging up after. once spotting the couple Saoirse ran up to them engulfing both of them in a big hug or what mark would call it "a Saoirse special" 

"I missed you guys literally so fucking much it's been ages!" she spoke up her Irish accent as strong as ever. 

"It defiantly has been I have to admit I did miss having an angry Irish woman around" mark chuckled in response Saoirse hit him in the chest resulting in mark saying a faint ow.

"amyyyyy! my love oh for how i have missed you" Saoirse sang putting her arm around the girl's shoulder 

"hi sao! we still have that Suprise at home we should get going" she suggested. the group nodding in response walked to the car. Saoirse carelessly throwing her luggage in the boot and getting in.

"turn it up this is our song!" Saoirse yelled maybe a bit too loud. mark chuckled turning up the volume of "the business" by Tiesto. she started yelling the lyrics the others joining in Aswell before she knew it she was at her new place. she stared in it at awe before grabbing her bags and running to the door and then banging into it hard she rubbed her head, and the couple joined her laughing at her fall "oh shut up" she muttered but eventually joining in on the laughter

she walked inside this time without bumping into something until she heard a familiar voice "you guys are back! hey"

oh fuck

A/N just a short chapter for the first one and kind of boring but don't worry it shall pick up soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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