The Unimaginable Truth part 1

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"Okay Savvy, now it's your turn." Mikkie said. "Okay, whatever." I sighed. "Truth or Dare?" She said. I hate this game, but it's so addicting. "Dare." I said. "Hmmm. Let me see. I dare you to go in the old abandon mansion on Elmer St." Oh brother. I've been there like a thousand times. It's not scary. But it is empty. "Fine, whatever." I whined, pretending to be scared. Will she ever learn? Nothing scares me.

"You do realize dumb ass that shes been there over a thousand times?" Milo said sarcastically. I clapped. "100 points for the person who isn't being a dumb ass!" I cheered. "Is that me?" Mikkie asked. "No dumb ass, it's the non-dumb ass over there." I said as I pointed to Milo. We all laughed.

"So, are you really gonna go?" Mom asked. "Yes, come on mom, you know that I don't EVER back down from dares." I said. "But when will you be back?" She asked. I thought about it for a second. "I'll be back in two days." I replied. Mom cringed. "Mom, you know I love you. I promise I'll come back. Trust me." Mom flinched. "Remember what happened to your sister, Betty?" Betty, my younger sister died. She was only thirteen. Some say she was murdered because the body was never found. But I think she's still alive. I don't know how to explain this but, I just have this feeling that she's still alive. I sighed. "Mom, this is just something I've got to do." I paused for a moment. "How 'bout this, when I get back, you buy me a coffee." She nodded. That got her. She loves coffee. It's one of some things that has managed to keep her from going completely insane.

I rode my bike to the mansion. It was just as I expected. Boring, dark, and awesome. I walked over to the door, grabbed the handle gently and opened the door. This place felt different. Lively even. I've only been here during the day, but never at night. It was pitch black. But I had this feeling that I belonged. I took out my camera and and took a picture.

"Ah! Turn the damn flash off!" Someone yelled. I stumbled backwards a little startled. "Who's there? Milo? Mikkie?" I asked nervously. "No, I'm Jessie." He said. "Why can't I see you?" He chuckled. "Because I am a vampire, and vampires can choose to turn invisible at will." This time I chuckled. "Oh right, and I'm the Easter Bunny. Nice try bud, but I need to see proof first to believe you."

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