Chapter 15 - Maraike

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2 days later... 

Frida and Annika were sitting in the Anderssons living room. Frida had Franny in her arms. She didn't want to leave her daughter again and she neither felt comfortable in the police station. 

Annika had decided to completely ignore the fact that Frida had break down in tears and act as if nothing happened. "Do you identify Ivan Jetwood as the man who kidnapped you on the 15th November of las year?" 

"Yes" Frida nodded. 

"Okay." She took out a sheet of paper and a pen. "You have to sing this to make it official that you identified him."She gave Frida the paper and pen. Frida read everything twice and then signed before she handed it back to Annika. "Thank you." She put the paper again away and then continued. "As you might have heard what the corpses the found on the farm indeed Maraike Lemmbergs. What can you tell me about her?" 

"We went to school together. After that we wanted to complete the apprenticeship as a seamstress together. I got pregnant and had to quit the apprenticeship. We always stayed in contact. I moved away, first to a bigger city. She often visited me there and I always visited her when I was in our hometown. I then moved to Stockholm and she later also. It must've been in 1971 or 1972. Since then we often saw each other and remained in good contact." While speaking rocked Frida Franny gently though it was more to calm herself down. 

"Mhm." Annika nodded and took notes. "Do you looked much like each other?" 

"Yes. Very much. Our teachers always had problems to tell us apart because we always looked much alike. We both like to experience with hairstyles and often went to the hairdresser together. That's why we had the same hairstyles most of the time. She told me a few times that people talked to her on the street because they thought she was me." Frida played lost in thoughts with the strap of her jacket. "We always mad jokes that if I one day needed a double I could just take her." Her voice was melancholic and a few tears slid dow her cheeks. "She was a good friend though we didn't have much time for each other." Frida spoke more to herself than to Annika. She then after a few seconds sat straight up and wiped her tears away. 

"When was the last time you saw her?" 

"13th November." Frida answered quickly. 

"Do you remember what she wore?" 

"I'm not sure what she wore when she came here." Frida thought for a moment. 

"How do you mean that?" Annika frowned. 

"We baked and made a mess. Her clothes were dirty so I lend her a pair of jeans and a blouse." 

"Do you also remember what the coat she wore looked like?" 

"Yes, sure. I have the same one. We bought them together ages ago." 

"How does it look like? Is it tight so you could see if somebody is pregnant?" Annika seemed to be happy how the conversation went. 

"Depends on how far-" Frida stopped when an idea invaded her mind. "You think somebody thought she was me and killed her because of that?" She stared at her in shock. 

"That was exactly my idea. Do you think it could be possible?" 

"Yes. It was already dark when she left. It could've looked like I left the house." 

"Okay, now we have half of the motive of the murder. Now is only one question left: Why did Ivan Jetwood wanted to murder you?" 

"I also have to questions." 


"Did Ivan Jetwood said anything?" Fridas voice sounded hopefully but she soon good disappointed. 

"No, sadly not.  He still denies any complicity in your kidnapping and Maraikes murder." 

"How did she died? When? Where?" 

"I don't know if you want to hear the details." Annika said to protect Frida. 

"Would I ask if I didn't want to know? No." 

"Fine" She gave in. "She got stopped. With a long knife right between the ribs into the heart." 

Frida swallowed. How could a human be able to do something that bad? 

"She was killed between six and twelve hours before your kidnapping." 

"Where?" Was everything Frida could bring out in a hoarse voice. 

"In the barn where we found you. We found bloody straw under the straw you lay on." 

"I was lying the whole time on Maraikes blood? Where she got stabbed?" Frida stared at the young woman in front of he ran shock. Why did this had to happen to her? 

Annika only nodded. 

Frida said nothing. She still hadn't rely comprehended the information she gained. "What will you do now?" Frida tried to distract her mind. 

"First of all will we have to find the motive for Ivan Jetwoods doings. That means interrogations. We would call you if we have anything new or need your help. Is that okay?" 

Frida nodded. She knew she didn't really have a chance. Everything she could do was do what the police told her to do. 

Annika grabbed her things and Frida accompanied her to the front door. 



"How did it went?" Benny looked up at her when she entered his study. 

"Okay" Frida simply answered. 

"Good. Do you want to talk about something? Something that probably bothers you?" Benny patted his lap to signalize her to sit down. 

"Not really." She smiled at him. She had still Franny in her arms. The little girl slipped peacefully. 

"Hello minsting." Benny gently stroke his daughter cheek as he saw her wake up. 

"I assume she's hungry." Frida unbuttoned her blouse and started to breastfeed the little girl. "I love you my Joy." Frida smiled at Franny. 

Benny smiled at Frida. That was one of the moments he knew he had married the right woman. One of the many. 

Frida looked at him suspiciously. "What's going on?" She knew him well. Too well. 

"She's making me jealous. She's taking my wife and then does what I love to do, well almost." He pouted. 

"I'll remind you of this in a year when you're constantly with her." She laughed at him. 

"Let's see." 

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