The Kiss

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Tsukasa's POV:

Living with Anzu was a unique adventure that he never believed he would ever experience in his wildest imagination. Aside from the random punches and bruises he received just being in close proximity to the accident prone girl, it wasn't enough of a deterrent for him to move away.

Tsukasa was worried about the future. Not about his higher education but the fact that going to a university meant leaving Anzu. He wasn't entirely sure what her plan for the future was yet. The girl was brilliant when she put her mind to it.

Anzu always had a boisterous presence. It was always loud with her around. She was quiet only when she was asleep but even then she mumbled in her sleep. She was an adorable mess of a girl!

The last couple of days, Anzu had been quiet. It was a little unnerving and every time he tried to bring it up, she would just laugh it off and run away. Anzu was much better at avoiding people than Tsukasa himself, and that was a feat unto itself.

He called his sister to ask for her advice. Arisa just told him to buy her chocolate and not talk about it. Tsukasa refused to believe it was a feminine issue. Something was bothering Anzu quite deeply.

Nevertheless, he did buy a big box of chocolates on the way back from work. It appeared Junta's baseball practice was running late. The gods of fortune were smiling down on him.

It wasn't like he hated Junta. The guy was the nicest person on the planet and you had to be an absolute fool to harbor any ill intentions towards him. It was merely unfortunate that they both loved the same girl.

That's right.
Tsukasa loved Anzu but he also knew she was in no way interested in him. In fact, he would believe that the idea of love was extremely repulsive to Anzu, given her reaction to that topic.

Rio or Riri's presence was illuminating on so many levels. It was only by chance that he and Junta happened to stumble across that unexpected reveal. He never expected to be caught up in the middle of this magical mayhem. Secretly, he was thankful to the eccentric blonde for introducing him to an amazing and kind individual.

Tsukasa closed the door behind him and walked into the living room where Anzu was quietly watching a tv show. It was a miracle she wasn't caught up in the middle of a game. Did she win against the weird tentacled boss creature in her last game?

"Anzu," he called out.

Anzu blinked out of her reverie and focused that auburn gaze on him.

"Tsukasa, you're home," she observed with faint surprise.

Tsukasa pulled the box from behind and held it out in front of him.

"These are for you," he said, trying not to feel too bashful about it all.

"Oh my God! Nuts dipped in chocolate and some with creamy caramel filling! These are my favorite!" she exclaimed, clutching the box close to her chest.

Tsukasa applauded himself for paying close attention to Anzu's interests.

"How can I forget?" he said mildly.

Anzu's face suddenly fell and Tsukasa grew apprehensive. The box of chocolates fell to her lap and she suddenly started to bawl loudly with big fat tears rolling down her cheeks.

Tsukasa grew alarmed at the sight. He didn't have the first clue to handle emotional women. His mother and sister had one another.He just catered to their every desire when they got into a mood.

"Anzu," he stated hesitantly.
"What's wrong?" he asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

Physical contact was reassuring right? Where was Junta when you needed him?

Anzu's sobs stopped for a moment at the contact. Tsukasa held his breath, thinking he was out of the woods.

"Tsukasa!" she wailed and hugged him close.

To say Tsukasa was startled would be an understatement. He normally kept people at a distance but Anzu was the one exception to that rule. He felt comfortable having her in his personal space. She was the right height to tuck under his chin. She was perfect for him.

If only she weren't crying this experience would be a whole lot more enjoyable.

"Are you hurt? What happened? Why are you crying? I don't recall anything happening in school. Did I miss something?" Tsukasa inquired, all the while holding Anzu in his arms.

He could feel her shake her head against his shoulder. Tsukasa took a moment to run his fingers down her lava colored hair. They were soft and unruly, just like her.

"I-I'm sorry," she said after a few minutes. He could feel her reluctance as she gently moved away. Her cheeks turned red as she looked away.

"You don't have to apologize, Anzu. I'm always here for you if you need someone to talk to," he spoke softly.

Anzu's eyes glistened again and he wondered what he said. Something about his presence set her off but he didn't know what. She didn't seem averse to having his company.

"Tsukasa, you are amazing. Thank you for being in my life," she choked out.

Tsukasa was honestly puzzled with her response. Was she going somewhere? Were these parting words?

Before he could formulate a response, Anzu stepped closer and pressed a kiss to his cheeks.

Tsukasa's eyes widened at the gesture. His heart raced in his chest and he felt his face grow warm.

"I-I just remembered I have to complete my biology homework today. So I'll be in my room! See you later," she quickly uttered and raced off.

Tsukasa blinked as he processed the sudden turn of events. His hand touched his cheek, seemingly in disbelief that he got a kiss from Anzu.

What was going on with that girl?
He felt hope bloom in his chest.
Was Anzu finally returning his feelings?

Tsukasa decided to not think too much about it as he whistled to himself and set about preparing dinner.

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