The Intro.
There was this girl, her name was Samantha. At school, no one liked her because she was the only girl who got straigt A's in everything at school.Everyone at school called her 'Little Miss Perfect'. Everytime she goes home back from school, she listens to music and reads vampire books, like Vampira Diaries and Twilight Saga. Her best friend is Gina. They have been friends for 3 years. Gina likes the same things as Sam but she gets B's. Sam's parents are brain surgeons. They have me been working together before they even got married.
Meet The Mean Girls
Anna, Kelsy, Dana and leader Rochelle. These girls are the mean girls also known as the Worthy Of Detention Girls. Wow. They have been in 12 detentions. Wow. The craziest thing is Rochelle and Sam have been friends so many years ago. Now Sams friend is Gina Garcìa. How nice. Rochelle and her friends don't do their homework so they make not ask, MAKE Sam to do it. So she does it everyday because she loves doing homework. Sick. Who loves homework? Anyways. Sam does it because it is 8th grade work and Sam is in the 11th grade. A grade which those 4 girls need be in. Those 4 girls are supposed to be seniors this year. Goodness.The Lesson
Its the day of the test and Rochelle failed. Apparently she copied(cheated) the wrong notes from poor little Sam. Rochelle got so angry at Sam. Guess what she got? Rochelle got an F-. Which is 1/100. Poor Work. Apparently it was a lesson to her from Sam. It is 'never ever cheat on tests. It will be better of you study'. Rochelle wanted revenge. Good revenge. Sam laughed the whole day. Well, not for long...What the heck happened
Rochelle and the girls planned something to get back at Sam. Rochelle wanted to go big time. Anna was not so happy about. So she left because she did not want to get in trouble. Sam was walking down to Gina's house with her earphones on. And then... Rochelle comes and grabs Sam with a blind fold...
Hey guys. So we ended here because there will be more. Lets be dramatic here. So. If i may
*20 minutes later*
Sam screamed and asked Rochelle why she she was doing this. Rochelle put Sam in her basement. So it was kinda easy for Rochelle's mom ti find Sam because that where Rochelle's mom does her laundry work. Wow. Rochelle told Sam why. Sam screamed for help. Rochelle covered Sams mouth. Eish. Rochelle went upstairs to call those guys who sell ladies's to other people so those people can rape the girl for money. Sam will be missed.
*1 hour later*
Those guys came and took Sam. Rochelle gave them $500 and a $5 tip for good work. Dumb Rochelle. Sam screamed and screamed. Until this happened. The guys who stole Sam were Sam's older cousins, Rob, Teegan and Vince. Wow. Apparently Rochelle called the wrong people. ooh thats cold.
To be Continued
*3 hours laters*
Teegan and Vince go to Rochelle and grab her to her parents and told everthing to them about Rochelle's plan. Rochelle parents, Ricky and Sandy. Ricky and Sandy got so mad they told the principal.
*1 day later*
When Rochelle came in this morning wirh her parents to school to go to the headmasters office, Mr Crumman. When Sandy told Mr Crumman the news. Mr Crumman Expaled her and gave her 5 detentions fir her last week of school at Sellview High. She was so angry she ran away
*12 hours later*
Everyone one so happy that Rochelle got in BIG trouble. Cold.
Happily Ever After
It has been 3 years since Rochelle was gone. Everything was nice there was no trouble at all. Sam and Gina will always now and forever live with no trouble.