Chapter 1

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"Where are we even going?" Lena asked as the Violet Kestrel hurtled through hyperspace. Rhodes sat up in his chair and let out a yawn.

"We are headed to a small planet called Ilum, located in the unknown regions of space."

Lena tapped a button on the monitor in front of her co-pilot's chair. A holomap of the galaxy appeared in front of her. "I've never heard of it and it's not on any of the Kestrel's star charts."

Rhodes let out a chuckle before responding. "Of course not. Your sheltered upbringing on Nar Shaddaa doesn't exactly lend itself to galactic knowledge. Not to mention it was a planet that was kept secret by the Jedi Order. I gave Hunter the coordinates." The C1 astromech droid let out a few chirps at the mention of his name.

Lena rolled her eyes. "Very funny, Rhodes. Are you going to tell me why we are going to this place?"

Rhodes hesitated for a second, unsure if he should say. "I guess I can tell you now. Ilum is a planet sacred to the Jedi Order. For thousands of years, Jedi younglings came to this planet to do what you are about to do today. You will be harvesting a kyber crystal to build your own lightsaber."

Lena's face lit up. "You really mean it? I get a laser sword?" Lena jumped to her feet and drew one of the vibroswords strapped to her back. She began to swing it around wildly, mimicking the sounds of a lightsaber with her mouth.

Rhodes laughed for a moment before motioning for Lena to get back in her seat. "Yes Lena, you will be constructing your own lightsaber. It is your first step toward becoming a Jedi."

Lena tried to contain her excitement. "I just can't wait. How much longer?"

Rhodes squinted as he looked at the screen in front of him. "We will get there eventually. But for now, we can begin your first lesson."

A grin spread across Lena's face as she stared intently at her master. Rhodes reached into his pocket and produced a small green rock. "Lift it," he said as he held the rock in the palm of his hand.

A confused look grew on Lena's face as she tried to grab the rock out of his hand. The rock quickly levitated upwards, away from her grasp. "With the Force," he said sternly, the rock settling back into his palm

Lena rolled her eyes while scratching the back of her head. "And how am I supposed to do that?"

Rhodes laughed as the rock began levitating once again in his hand. "Telekinesis is a Force power that is an act of will. Concentrate on what you are trying to accomplish and through enough training and practice, the Force will obey your command. I have already seen that you possess this ability. Now, lift it."

"Rhodes, I just don't—"

"Just, lift it."

Lena let out a deep breath as she watched the rock settle back into Rhodes' hand. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the rock. Rhodes watched eagerly as her face slowly turned red from her evidently holding her breath. After a few seconds, the rock in her master's hand began to shake before coming to rest once again.

Lena let out a dramatic exhale, panting as she tried to catch her breath. "Did I... do it?" she asked once she had composed herself.

Rhodes smiled and handed the rock to his apprentice. "That was a very encouraging first try. You were able to get the rock to shake which is a good start. Go into the cargo hold and practice. You will be lifting this rock in no time."

Lena nodded and left Rhodes alone in the cockpit where he soon fell asleep.

Hours went by before he awoke to the beeping of the navicomputer. Rhodes yawned but quickly snapped to attention once he dropped the ship out of hyperspace. "Lena, you better get up here."

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